Thankful for a good day


  • PipenSnus
    started a blog post Thankful for a good day

    Thankful for a good day

    Whether you believe in God, or the hand of Fate, or merely random chance, I think it's important to occasionally take note of the things you are grateful for. Today has been a pretty good day -- in fact, the whole week has been better than expected -- so tonight I'm "counting my blessings", so to speak.

    First of all, my long-awaited missing roll of Offroad Coffee/Vanilla from SnusCentral arrived today, and I was overjoyed to add it to my freezer. As promised, they tossed in a couple of extra cans... more Coffee/Vanilla! So they are forgiven for their error, as far as I'm concerned.

    Secondly, I noticed that my last blog entry had over 300 views. Wow. I'm touched and flattered that so many of you want to read the random scribblings from my deranged mind. As a lifelong lover of words and language, and someone who earns his living with the written word, that means a lot to me. Thank you for your interest in what I have to say.

    Thirdly, my favorite Japanese restaurant just opened a new location right around the corner from my office. They have incredible food, with sushi chefs that are fully the equals of any you'd find in New York or any other world-class city. They're a little too pricey for me to eat there often, but I'm happy that when I can afford it, the best sushi in town is close at hand.

    Finally, I'm thankful that my week at the office, which had the potential to be totally horrendous, didn't turn out to be half as bad as anticipated. I won't bore you with the details. I'll just say that I'm glad I got through it so easily. And now it's the weekend!

    No first impression tonight. I think I've written about most of the brands I've tried so far, although I may have left one or two out. I've got more on the way, most of which will be brand new to me, so there will be more first impressions in the future.

    • timholian
      timholian commented
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      No, Thank you for starting a blog.... after we all badgered you into it!
      Sometimes, even when things are good, it is nice to sit and reflect on the things we are grateful for in life.(Hey wordsmith, I almost ended that sentence with a preposition.)

    • danielan
      danielan commented
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      We're glad you're here. I'm particularly glad you are here. It's good to network with fellow mad scientists. Igor isn't much of a conversationalist and the towns-people are so quick to grab the torches and pitchforks at the slightest slip of the tongue.
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