It finally arrived today... my 3 ml Icetool:
New Icetool..jpg
I love gadgets, and I love good design. I'm especially taken with something that is crafted to be both highly functional as well as beautiful. So naturally, I love my new Icetool. The photo doesn't really do justice to the color -- it's sort of a pearly blue-gray, almost a gunmetal shade. And of course, it makes a perfect pris, and is a joy to use. Many thanks to Pekka and the rest of the Icetool staff!
A first impression...
Gustavus OP
I'm saddened to see this one go off the list of US-available brands. Such an original flavor, and a nicely designed can to boot. A nice citrus flavor on a mellow, smoky tobacco base, with an indescribable but delicious flowery/herbal top-note that sets it apart from the crowd. Not a hard-hitter in the nicotine department, but not a wimpy brand, either. A one-of-a-kind snus.
Gadget love
Gadget love
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#1Langdell commented17-06-10, 04:04 AMEditing a commentI hear you on the Icetool. My own love of gadgets and desire to own an Icetool influenced my decision to try loose in the first place. Mine arrived today too (3ML, stainless steel), and it is a thing of beauty.
#2Monkey commented19-06-10, 01:37 AMEditing a commentI love the Icetool but have found myself handbaking more. I'd never get rid of it, but I rarely find myself reaching for it now. It is a beautiful tool and was an important step in my learning to los..
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