It finally arrived today... my 3 ml Icetool:

New Icetool..jpg

I love gadgets, and I love good design. I'm especially taken with something that is crafted to be both highly functional as well as beautiful. So naturally, I love my new Icetool. The photo doesn't really do justice to the color -- it's sort of a pearly blue-gray, almost a gunmetal shade. And of course, it makes a perfect pris, and is a joy to use. Many thanks to Pekka and the rest of the Icetool staff!

A first impression...

Gustavus OP

I'm saddened to see this one go off the list of US-available brands. Such an original flavor, and a nicely designed can to boot. A nice citrus flavor on a mellow, smoky tobacco base, with an indescribable but delicious flowery/herbal top-note that sets it apart from the crowd. Not a hard-hitter in the nicotine department, but not a wimpy brand, either. A one-of-a-kind snus.