Well, as I suspected, not all 4 of my latest experiments turned out to be successes. However, I learn a few new things with each batch I brew up. Here's the rundown:

Root Beer: The one clear winner of the four. The old-fashioned root beer taste comes through, and mixes quite well with the tobacco. Not overly sweet, either -- just right.

Ginger/Lime: Good but not great. The lime, which I suspected would be the weaker flavor, predominates, with only a faint hint of ginger in the background. I'd like a little more ginger. This could be better with a little tweaking of the recipe, I think.

Mojito: I discussed in my last post how strong the SnusX spearmint flavor is. While my fears that it bled over into the other flavors didn't manifest in the finished products, it did serve to overpower the lime in this can. Again, the recipe needs some adjustment.

Bourbon Ball: The only real failure of the batch. I don't know what went wrong, but I can't taste the bourbon at all, and even the chocolate is very faint. Maybe next time I'll try more chocolate flavoring, and a few drops of real bourbon, instead of bourbon flavoring. Does anybody know the pH of distilled spirits? I know wines are acidic, but I don't think the same is true of the hard stuff.

I haven't opened any cans recently of brands that are new to me, so no first impression today. I've got a can of Tre Ankare, which I haven't tried before, in line to be opened next, but I'm waiting until I finish off another can or two. Still trying (unsuccessfully, usually) not to have too many open cans at once.