Hey all! first time on this sight. First time blogger. And nothing to dip on.
I had my first dip about 15 years ago, when a mate of mine first opened a can of Cope. I found in that circle of freinds their was a lot of dip getting around eg skoal, redman and others. Now that I have move on, I don't know anyone that can get their hands on any form of dip at all. Australian laws don't allow the sale off smokeless tobbacco and have some kind of hand shake deal with the USA that we can't import anything.
I have just found a Euro sight called the northerner. The problem I have is I can only get European snus. I loved copenhagen. Is they something similar out there? Does Skoal have a Euro equivalent?
I have ordered a few tins to try............Ettan ............Lucky Strike and a few others
Wish me luck!
Australia is a fantastic country. we have everything we need. Sport, beer, women. It would be nice to have a dip from time to time