Snus ain't the same


  • pirtek04
    started a blog post Snus ain't the same

    Snus ain't the same

    Well people, Its here! my first order of snus. I am typing this with Lucky Strike loose in my mouth..........It's not the same. I was hopeing to relive that old sensation of the likes of Skoal Grizzly and Copenhagen. Some of you will know what I am talking about. It isn't what I was expecting. I have also played with a few portions.......NO THANX! But I have noticed my need to smoke has decreased alot. From 35 a day down to about 15. If I put my mind to it I'm sure smoking could disapear all together. Anyhow I still miss the the old US dip but the more I use snus the more I want to use snus. It's not the same but its pretty good.

    • Snusdog
      Snusdog commented
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      In the Dipper's Guide to snus I talk about when I first made the change from dip to snus (after 25 years of dipping) my lip actually craved dip.....................not.........I was craving nicotine.................but my lip was actually craving something else that was in dip that is not in snus.

      There is more to dip addiction than just the nicotine. Snus helped me get past that something more in dip and like CreteCoater my mouth is no longer torn up.

      I think realizing what I was actually missing in dip was chemical was both an eye opener as well as a big motivation to stick to snus..................though to be honest...............I really did not need that much motivation.

      To me snus is like a fine French wine....................verses dip which by comparison is like an over the top artificially flavored wine-in-a-box.

    • Darwin
      Darwin commented
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      Snus, loose or otherwise, is not really intended to be a mere safe replacement for dip but rather a very different product that has been refined and developed over two centuries to appeal to the palates of its primary market i.e. Scandinavia. Dip of course has gone through the same process to appeal to American palates so aside from nicotine delivery snus shouldn't be expected to duplicate the dip sensory experience in any serious way. Even American developed snus, vile garbage that it largely is, was developed with American smokers in mind and not dippers.

      The dog-man's wine analogy may be a tad over the top but it's not very far off. If there is any "educational" mission to which this forum should aspire it is that snus must be approached and appreciated on its own terms which have little to do with replacing anything and much more to do with it being a nicotine delivery system that while seeming rather foreign to Amurkin pie-holes can be richly appreciated by those willing to give it a thorough chance. It certainly does have its connoisseur hobbyist aspects and there's nothing wrong with that. It shares those tendencies with few other tobacco products except for nasal snuff and cigars. Certainly not smokes. Virtually no one has 6-12 brands of smokes in a "rotation" in a manner similar to what is seen in the snus game and, even more so, snuff. The game is massively big fun too. Wade out into the deep end. The water's fine, and tasty as well.

    • pirtek04
      pirtek04 commented
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      Its been about a week know scince I got my first orderof snus.....yep I'm know proudly a snus man, Even the Lucky Strike portions have grown on me. BUT! I stand by more original post "It ain't the same". You know I feel It could be better than dip, after only one week!
      Snusdog and Dawin did the french wine(snus) v box wine(dip) theory. Cool! except I don't drink wine. I'll compare it to food instead.
      I love to take my wife to a fine retaurant looking out over the bay, as they do the best grain feed black angus steak i have ever eaten. Yet I love Friday nights at home watching the football(rugby league) with a six dollar pizza.....also enjoyable.
      The more I use snus, the more I enjoy it. But I will always have a can or two of dip at hand
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