If you have been looking to quit smoking you came to the right article. I've smoked for nearly 12 years and I'd like to recommend 10 ways to quit smoking that worked for me and I'm sure they will work for you as well.
1. Anything that has something to do with smoking has to be hidden. Hide all the lighters or just throw them away. They don't help you anymore.
2. Try to avoid places or activities that might remind you of smoking. This is a tough one, supposing you were smoking all day at work, maybe in your office. Usually the human brain associates the habits with any daily activities. Therefore it's a great thing if you could start playing tennis, rollerblading, going to the swimming pool etc. Try new activities, they will help you fight the cravings for another cigarette.
Try going out with people that don't smoke. And stay away from people when they're smoking.
3. Buy a Tetris game. I remember playing Tetris for several hours a day when I quit smoking. This will not only keep you occupied and your attention of cigarettes but Tetris is addictive, therefore it helps. Reading a good book, going for a daily walk will help you stay away from cigarettes. Trust me it works!
4. Even before you decide to quit smoking throw any pack of cigarettes away. Honestly throw them away, if you don't it'll be quite easy to get tricked and light another cigarette.
5. What about going to a movie on Saturday night or a great dinner downtown? Try and spice up your life as much as you can without having to spend tons of money.
6. None of the smokers realize how much money they spend each year buying cigarettes. If you're a 20 a day smoker then you would probably spend a few hundreds of dollars a month on cigarettes only. Give yourself some motivation and put the money away somewhere. You will manage to save a nice sum at the end of each year that you could spend for a nice vacation with you family or friends.
7. When you decide to quit smoking it's recommended that you find someone else that wants to do it as well. Motivation is important, therefore you can motivate each other to quit.
8. If you've managed to go 2 days without smoking and someone offers you a cigarette, refuse it. Take the cigarette and throw it away!
9. This is important: Tell everyone that you're going to quit smoking cigarettes. Do not hide it from anyone, this way you'll get more support and motivation from your family, friends and co-workers.
10. You can also try Nicorette gum or patches, medication or NLP hypnosis. NLP (neuro-programming language) is used in several rehab clinics by well skilled practitioners.