Nicotine Facts - Why You Should Quit Smoking Today


  • Nicotine Facts - Why You Should Quit Smoking Today

    Breaking any addiction may seem impossible for most people and nicotine addiction is one of the hardest habits to break. The most common reason people find quitting smoking cigarettes difficult is because of the withdrawal symptoms that occur when trying to quit.

    Nicotine can give addiction quite as fast as heroin or cocaine. The main difference is the substance that is released into the blood when inhaling smoke. There are tens if not hundreds of diseases that are caused by smoking. Can you see why you should quit smoking today?

    When smoking, thousands of deadly substances are released into the body that directly affect all organs including: heath, lungs, liver, stomach and the brain. By reducing the quantity of oxygen our immune system is affected, therefore diseases occur.

    Recent studies show that millions of people worldwide die of lung cancer and heart related problems each year.

    How long does nicotine stay in your body?

    The nicotine stays in each cell of the body. Therefore the nicotine that you take in is metabolized by the liver and kidneys that are supposed to get rid of it rapidly. High levels of nicotine are found in the smoker's body even within 12 hours after they've smoked the last cigarette.

    Quitting smoking isn't easy, however there are several natural ways to quit smoking available including the popular Nicorette gum and patches, drugs such as Chantix - a highly addictive antidepressant. Chantix is well known for its dangerous side-effects. Some patients have reported suicidal thoughts and several mood disorders during the treatment with Chantix.

    Hypnotherapy and NLP (neuro-programming language) is another method that has helped thousands of people to quit smoking. It's widely used even in drug rehabs with tremendous success.

    • precious007
      precious007 commented
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      I've heard that from many others SmokedEuro....

      Many commit suicide or even think of killing other people....

      Never tried it though.

    • blotgode
      blotgode commented
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      Thats why i still smoke

    • precious007
      precious007 commented
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      You should still quit.

      Because smoking is pointless.

      Nothing fancy about it, doesn't even have a nice aroma as SNUS does :^)
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