Nobody finds it easy to quit smoking and I understand it very well. I've recently managed to quit smoking so I am well aware of how difficult it is to kick this horrible habit out of our lives once and for all. Below I've listed some of the things that have helped me quit smoking a lot easier and reduce the withdrawal symptoms and cravings that I had to go through.

1. Eat healthy and start doing daily exercises

The body and mind are tightly connected, therefore by eating healthy you'll not only strengthen your body that is most likely to be weakened after you quit smoking but you will provide the right nutrients and vitamins that you need to reduce the withdrawal symptoms and cravings to smoke another cigarette.

2. Have a positive mind-set and fix a specific date to quit

The first essential step in your "quit-smoking" journey is definitely your decision to quit. However fixing a date is important as well. It would be perfect if you could take a few days of work so you have the chance to relax a bit more. Don't hide your desire to quit from anyone, actually telling your co-workers, friends and family members that you want to become smoke-free, will bring you lots of benefits. You will need support!

3. Last but not least, try and stay away from people or situations that will remind you of smoking. The temptation is high!

You can read a great book for example that will keep your mind of cigarettes. Try and do jogging, tennis or anything that involves movement! Stay away from bars or discos where your friends might offer you a cigarette.