The Libertarian Snuser Chronicles


  • sgreger1
    started a blog post The Libertarian Snuser Chronicles

    The Libertarian Snuser Chronicles

    A short summary of my view of Libertarianism:

    I believe that government should make no law that interferes with individual rights or behavior so long as no one is harmed by it. However, I don’t want to pay for your lifestyle so tax payers should never have to subsidize behavior of any group nor should they be forced to pay for “programs” that take away the consequences of stupid behavior.

    The government should not be in the business of redistribution of wealth, which the graduated income tax does.

    I believe that government is too big, too intrusive and relied upon entirely too much by our people.

    I believe that the majority of problems that our government is attempting to solve with government programs were actually first created by other government programs.

    I believe that programs like welfare and other entitlements promote dependence and destroy individual liberty and freedom for generations upon generations.

    I believe that the “entitlement attitude” is a cancer that is killing our nation.

    I believe “The government that governs least, governs best“.

    Truly summing it up I believe that when Oliver Wendell Holmes stated, “The right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins“; he had it dead on! If we simply made this the guiding concept of our governing we would all be much better off.

    • sgreger1
      sgreger1 commented
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      Lol, convert to Islam? Doesn't that kind of go against every single bulletpoint I noted above?

    • AllanH
      AllanH commented
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      No, it doesn't. Same moralistic, holier-than-thou worldview with lazy anti-goverment slogans.

    • sgreger1
      sgreger1 commented
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      The pro-welfare state crowd is the "lazy" ones, not the libertarians or those on the right. What is lazy about people who don't want to live off the government? Please explain how Islam is in any way like libertarianism, as I am dying to hear the wisdom behind your comments. Islam likes a top heavy religious government (caliphate) whereas libertarians want the exact opposite.

      What is holier than thou about not wanting a corrupt top heavy government that levies large taxes on it's citizens just to wast the money on things of no benefit to the citizens such as wars or bailing out banks and failed corporations? What is moralistic about the concepts that made this country great in the first place?
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