Welcome To the Pyramid Factory


  • sgreger1
    started a blog post Welcome To the Pyramid Factory

    Welcome To the Pyramid Factory

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    Welcome To the Pyramid Factory<o></o>
    By Sgreger1
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    Civilization, it was established the day we started developing agriculture in order to shed the tyranny of having to live off the land as foragers and hunters. With time we had a surplus of food, and more and more people joined civilizations as opposed to being nomads. Civilization has never changed in any meaningful way since that day. <o></o>
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    In Ancient Egypt, it was not slaves who built the pyramids, but workers. It was the same structure we see today with things like the Interstate Travel System (Freeways). The government (Pharaoh) commissioned the building of the great structure, and all the mason/stone dragger types signed up for this “shovel ready job”. Government provided jobs in building the pyramids, so the workers obliged by offering their services, be they architects, masons, stone quarries, or the guys who actually dragged each stone into place. <o></o>
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    All things are like pyramids, some rich and/or powerful group commissioning something grand to be built, and the workers carrying out the labor. This is the same with our government today, or even in a corporation. The same social classes as we have come to expect are in play, the rich who commission the pyramid to be built, the bureaucrats who supervise the building, and the working class that actually puts it together. <o></o>
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    As things get worse and worse for us, we’re going to need more and more of all the things that give us relief and oblivion and make us forget that we are building a never-ending pyramid. More religion, more revolution, more drugs, more television channels, more sports, more casinos, more lotteries, more access to the Web – more and more and more of it all – to give ourselves the impression that life is nonstop fun. <o></o>
    But meanwhile, of course, every morning we must shake off the hangover and drag our quota of stones up the side of the pyramid.<o></o>
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    I myself have been involved in the construction of the great American pyramid on several occasions. I spent the first 18 years of my life at school learning how to properly build a pyramid and live in a pyramid driven society, I then enlisted in the army where I was trained to coordinate helicopters and artillery to prevent others from building their pyramid, I then became employed at a large corporation where I completed clerical work for a company that sold workers comp insurance to the pyramid builders, just in case someone became injured after dropping a large stone on his foot whilst building. <o></o>
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    For the next 100 generations this pyramid will continue to erect itself on the backs of the working class. Someday the empire will fall and the pyramid will lay abandoned in the desert like all others before it, where it will stand as a testimony to this type of “civilization” we have tried over and over again throughout the years. <o></o>
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    After years of laboring to construct this giant structure which does very little to serve ME at the end of the day, I have decided that I will never be able to accomplish my goals working on anybody else’s pyramid. <o></o>
    All the nations and all the governments of the world, and all the companies and all the empires are nothing more than ongoing pyramid building projects. If a project should fail, the builders will die out and new occupants will come to begin construction of their pyramid over the ruins of the last. It has never worked and it is not sustainable. It is time for the collective mind of humans here on planet earth to put down our shovels and stop endlessly quarrying the earth for more and more pyramid stones. After all, what has the pyramid ever done for you? When you die, will you be buried in it? Or will you be lowered into a shallow and hastily dug grave, while your children work day and night to complete the giant tomb for a “higher class” of people to be buried in.<o></o>
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    The pyramid to me, Joe nobody, is becoming an eyesore. More and more I see it as a giant obstacle blocking my view of the beautiful valley that lies behind it, and each day as it grows and grows it represents more and more all the things I hate about a pyramid building society. It is time for us to step back and look at what has and (more importantly) what has not worked for us in the past. Should we, as a people, continue erecting this massive structure from which we will never receive any return on investment? Should we continue to allow Pharaoh to tax us so that he may pay for his pyramid to grow taller? Should we be embracing a system in which the pyramid itself, which has no real value, continues to grow itself and sway us with the same tricks; “I will create jobs!” it says, “we will be the greatest nation because our pyramid will be the largest of them all!” etc etc? <o></o>
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    Do not be swayed by the great American pyramid. It’s on the back of your dollar bill and you wake up each morning to drag your quota of stones to build it, but don’t forget that (like that dollar bill), the pyramid’s only value is determined by our collective belief that it even has value. <o></o>
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    See it for what it is, the great American pyramid is actually a bomb in disguise. It’s rigged to blow and located smack dab in the middle of Wall Street. Quit feeding it and become more self sufficient, only then can we begin using our stones to re-build our cities instead of erecting this glorified tomb to our leaders and their "accomplishments". <o></o>
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    • PipenSnus
      PipenSnus commented
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      Very well written. Although I doubt the current US pyramid will stand for "100 generations". I'd give it 2 or 3, tops. But someone will just start the whole mess over again, as you point out.

      Unfortunately, it's not all that easy to wake people up from their collective trance state and get them to understand that all their work is going to help somebody else, and that they and their families will never prosper or flourish while they continue to build the pyramid. First, people have to be trained in critical thinking, and that's the last thing in the world that the Powers That Be want. Then, on top of that, they have to actively work to de-program themselves from all the brainwashing they've had since birth that led them to believe building the pyramid was in their own interest. Most people are too hypnotized to even begin, and even many of those who realize something is wrong are too intellectually lazy to do the necessary inner work on themselves. That's what keeps the Lords of the Pyramid in power, and they know it, because that's how they rigged the game to begin with.

    • AllanH
      AllanH commented
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      Comparing tombs to schools and military isn't very relevant. Anyway, in Northern Europe mixed economy of farming, fishing and hunting&gathering and trading by free men prevailed and THAT is the basis of civilization as we know it now, not ancient mediterranian feudal/regal shite.

    • sgreger1
      sgreger1 commented
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      "Northern Europe mixed economy of farming, fishing and hunting&gathering and trading by free men "

      Like I said, the main factor according to scientists is the agriculture component. It was once we began cultivating our own crops and having a surplus of food that led to increased trading and the ability for a traditionally nomadic people to settle in one location (since hunting and foraging will lead to you running out of food pretty quickly).

      It is only a metaphor and simply the one I chose in this post, but I feel that it is fitting. You need to look at it as a metaphor instead of a taking a pyramids literal meaning of being a tomb. It is about what powerfull men create on the backs of the working class. If they can provide enough entertainment (distraction) than people will gladly build these grand projects as long as they have their fill of reality TV.

      Ancient mediterranian feudal societal structures are very much like what we have today, we just have more abundance and therefore the standard of living is higher. But we are still little more than indentured servants to debt and a corrupt top government run by evil people imo. Just my 2 cents.
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