Skruf Stark Whites


  • shikitohno
    started a blog post Skruf Stark Whites

    Skruf Stark Whites

    Skruf Stark Whites are my go to portions now. Generally speaking, I prefer lössnus, but sadly my boss would most definitely not approve of me having a big hunk of tobacco sliding down my teeth in front of customers. At first, there were a couple of other portions that I tried out, but many others have come and gone, yet Skruf Stark Whites remain the one tin I bring to work every day. I love my starks at work, so I've tried Nick & Johnny, Claq Qui and most of the other starks that can be found, but they don't work quite as well for me. Nick & Johnny and Claq Qui would sometimes juice up like mad out of nowhere, making for an awkward situation. Likewise, I've had a few odd shifts dealing with a N&J black or Onyx portion that had gotten slimey on me and started sliding about my mouth. Sadly, I tried Thunder Frosted, and while I loved the nic and taste, something about the smell just made my stomach freak out. But the Skruf Stark Whites manage to give me my nicotine without getting too slimey, and without giving me a drip that burns my throat. Once I put it in place, it hardly ever moves about, and I feel as if I have had a nice spot of Earl Grey tea all day long thanks to the taste. All around, it does everything I need my work snus to do for me, which is why I keep buying rolls of the stuff. It also doesn't hurt that it's tasty by itself, but doesn't interfere with things when you're enjoying a nice beer after work.

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      Guest commented
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      I agree. Skruf Stark White is what I started with and I always have a few cans on hand. Great review!
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