Röda Lacket: Portions vs Lös


  • shikitohno
    started a blog post Röda Lacket: Portions vs Lös

    Röda Lacket: Portions vs Lös

    Just to get it out there in the open, I started snussing with lössnus, and I most definitely prefer it to portions. So I'm a bit biased here. Still, after hearing about how different Röda Lacket was between the portions and the lös, I decided I needed to test it out myself, and see what everyone was talking about. Apparently, I was a bit late to the game, and was shocked to see that there was only a white portion available. I must have missed that notice about the OP being discontinued. Still, I ordered up a can of the whites and waited.

    I find the lös to be very pleasant. As others have said before, it's probably one of the easiest to bake because of it's play doh like consistency. Like the Ettans lös, I didn't really enjoy the Röda Lacket lös at first because the flavours were just so subtle. After a while, I began to notice a lovely berry taste, and something sweet behind it all. Plus, the tobacco started to come through for me and I could finally taste that. It can be a little tricky to get the hang of it, and if I don't bake it just right, the pris will start falling apart on me after about 45 minutes. But when I get it right, it'll stay nice and snug where I placed it for at least an hour or two. It's not something that I want everyday, but I use it enough that I buy it by the roll.

    The white, on the other hand, is almost a perfect list of things I don't like in my snus. That's not to say it's a bad product, because for what it is, it's much better than similar snus that I've tried. To start with, I generally don't like whites, with the exception of Skruf Stark Whites and Göteborgs Rapé. I find them overly dry and uncomfortable on my gums, and sometimes they bother me enough that I just can't use them. I also don't like really sweet snus, and the flavours of the lös are drastically amplified in the white portions for me. Were it just a bit more muted, I think I would enjoy these a lot, but it comes across as over-flavoured, over-sweetened snus to me. And I can't really get any sort of tobacco flavours out of it. For me, the lös wins out over the portions almost all the time. I think I'll keep a can f the whites on hand for the odd time I want one, but this'll be ordered by the can rather than the roll.

    • Darwin
      Darwin commented
      Editing a comment
      I've discovered that the amount of loose can be critical to a newbie's enjoyment. Roda was my first loose and before I made a 3ml ghetto tool both the handbake method and a 5ml version were just put too much in my lip. Tasted very aggressive and unpleasant at first. After making a 3ml tool and using just 1ml or less the problem was solved. Packing is not tricky, it stays together for over an hour, sometimes two, and the flavors and nic develop in a most agreeable manner. I'm sold on tool usage even if I can't spring for an IceTool for a while. As far as the portion vs. loose discussion goes if I had not used Roda loose from a can marked thusly I would have in no way guessed that it was related to regular portion RL. I suspect that is the case for many loose versions so it's clear to me they should be approached on an entirely individual basis with no comparison to their similarly branded portion versions being especially useful.
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