It's hard to make people understand


  • Snus Boost
    started a blog post It's hard to make people understand

    It's hard to make people understand

    I have tried to convey my new found enthusiasm for snus to other people and they just don't get it? I am curious by nature so if someone was explaining snus to me especially if I knew them to smoke more than anyone I had ever met in my life and they just quit. I would be asking for some. I have yet to have one of these people that I hear everyday talking about how they are going to quit smoking even listen to me when I talk about snus let alone try it. I even had one guy look at an original portion and say "it looks like it has mold on it" and he rolls his own cigarettes with pipe tobacco for Christ's sake.
    WTF I can't believe this. I guess "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" but come on the horse is on fire and won't let me throw a bucket of water on it.
    I won't stop offering people a life line. Eventually someone is going reach for it and make all my effort worth it. Until then at least I am safely on the boat.

    • Monkey
      Monkey commented
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      I'm all like f*ck other people. If anyone asks me (especially if they ask for a dip) I tell them they can't have any and they can go get their own.

      No...I just felt like being hostile. I don't push it on anyone. If someone asks I will let them try some and give them the snuson and northerner urls and it is up to them from there. Sometimes I talk about quitting smoking...sometimes not. Depends on the person.

      One guy I work with who is not a tobacco user at all saw my can in my pocket and was all "what, you playing baseball now?" I replied "it is swedish snus but let's just call it dip and move on." Sometimes it is easier that way.

    • Frosted
      Frosted commented
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      Nobody I've told about snus has shown the slightest bit of interest in it. The first thing they say to me when I show them it is "is that chewing tobacco"? They'd much rather die from lung cancer or COPD.

    • Darwin
      Darwin commented
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      I think it takes a very particular kind of person to be receptive to snus, for instance us. We seem to be in that tiny minority of smokers who, for whatever reasons, are not automatically grossed out by the thought of having tobacco inserted directly in one's actual pie hole. I think this is why it seems that dippers are, for obvious reasons, far more receptive to the idea of snus and even then it's not always an easy sell. Snus is quite a bit different than dip and and in most cases it's a reflexively repugnant concept to the average smoker. Tough long road ahead people.
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