I am seeing so many advantages to this


  • Snus Boost
    started a blog post I am seeing so many advantages to this

    I am seeing so many advantages to this

    I started snusing about 6 weeks ago and I am constantly seeing new benefits to it. Besides the obvious health advantages there are quite a few others. For one I was always known as the guy that smoked constantly. Whether I was at work or just hanging out I was constantly smoking. On top of the fact that I only enjoyed one or at most two cigarettes a day I always had people complaining that I made them smoke too much by seeing me light up all the time and that was the least of the complaints. The non smokers didn't want me to smoke in their car so I had to wait until we got where we were going and I would have a cigarette in my hand before I even got out of the car. If I was at someones house I would have to get them to pause the movie we were watching and go outside or wait for a commercial. I would even leave the theater 3 times during the movie I had just paid 10.50 to see.
    Now you could argue these same advantages with American Dip. But it's not the same. Have you ever seen how people look at someone spitting in a bottle. Especially women. I don't like that feeling even more than the feeling of going outside to smoke. Plus the fact that people are aware of the fact that you are doing it.
    With snus there is none of that. If you really don't want people to know you are doing anything at all you can easily accomplish that. There are people I work with that didn't know I was using snus for over a month and I wasn't even trying to hide it. I actually keep it in the refrigerator at work!
    Add to that the fact that you can snus constantly and no one knows but even better I usually don't want to snus constantly. It is nothing like smoking. I would literally wake up at least three times a night and smoke a cigarette. The first thing I did in the morning was light a cigarette or two before getting out of bed. Now I wake up cook and eat breakfast before I even think about snus. I can go hours without snus and it doesn't even cross my mind.
    All I am saying is I would highly recommend this over smoking and dip. I am glad I found this!

    • Monkey
      Monkey commented
      Editing a comment
      Wait till you finally cough out all the crap and your lungs really start showing improvement. This April is two years since I stopped smoking. I have had three in that time frame. My lungs feel much better but I am still undoing the fifteen years of tar and smoke I put my lungs through...I smoked like a boss. The first six months I couldn't stop coughing...
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