It seems like every day another freedom is taken away from us. I am only 30 and I remember things being much different at one time. For example we could ride dirt bikes all day and no one was bothered in the least. I used to shoot shot guns right in the back yard. We could park wherever we wanted and drink beer.Even smoking in a bar was normal. Obviously I live in a somewhat less populated area but none of these things are possible anymore. Start a dirt bike or fire one shell and the cops are on the way. Not only that there are no more warnings you are going to be arrested if you have police contact. These are just small examples of changes in a small town. If I look at all the new laws and a national scale there isn't enough time to list it all. All I'm saying is we keep sitting back and allowing goverment to make all these laws to "protect" us under the assumption that "they don't affect me". Well they have taken so much power from us that now they are changing laws and restricting everything we do to the smallest detail. And there is nothing we can do about it. I know this isn't specifically about snus but all this talk of PACT has got me thinking of all the other things that don't harm anyone that I am no longer allowed to do. Where does it end? The "land of the Free" doesn't feel that way anymore. I am not saying I don't love America. I am just saying I used to be much happier here. And I am afraid of where we are heading in the future.