This is the first forum of any type that I have ever posted on and when I look back at some of the topics I have started threads for I think "Damn mybe that wasn't really worthy of a new thread."
Fortunately for me no one snapped and told me what an A$$hole I was for starting said threads or I would have missed out on a lot of the good things this forum has to offer.
I guess what I am getting at here is I try and do what I think is right and I am pretty sure most of the others do as well. So please keep that in mind when someone posts a question that has been answered or puts something in the wrong area. Calm down. I see people get all bent out of shape about the smallest thing when one person does something wrong but then feel free to "Hijack" a thread when it suits them.
We are all on the same side here and there is not a huge group of people with snus as an interest at least in the U.S. so we could all stand to show each other a little more respect sometimes.