Switching from smoking to Snus, my experience


  • SnusGuy
    started a blog post Switching from smoking to Snus, my experience

    Switching from smoking to Snus, my experience


    Before I found out about Snus, I was a smoker. I loved the feeling of having my first cigarette of the day, and I also enjoyed the act of actually smoking. The problem with smoking though, is that the downsides far outweigh the positives for me. Since I live in Canada ( indoor public smoking is banned) I have to go outside to smoke, even in the freezing cold winter. This can be a major downside, especially if you are trying to work on something, and then get an urge to smoke. Secondly, the health effects of smoking are terrible. Even though I generally smoked about 10 cigarettes a day, I'd constantly be out of breath, and would sometimes get terrible coughing fits.

    When I finally found out about Snus, I was excited but a little skeptical. I enjoy dipping tobacco occasionally, but the need to spit makes it difficult for me to use in public areas. Snus promised to eliminate the spitting problem, while claiming to be much safer than dip, since Snus is Pasteurized rather than fire-cured and fermented (like dip is). Excited upon hearing all of this great news, I decided to order a few different kinds of Snus on Northerner and give it a try....

    Read the rest of the article here
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