Win 7 cans of Snus from Snus Authority!!


  • SnusGuy
    started a blog post Win 7 cans of Snus from Snus Authority!!

    Win 7 cans of Snus from Snus Authority!!

    Now that I have gotten Snus Authority all setup, I find that I am really enjoying blogging about Snus and my experiences with it. I've also noticed that according to Google Analytics, 47 unique visitors have come to the site in the past two days, including a few who are returning visitors! In order to celebrate this feat, I have decided to hold a simple contest, in which the winner receives a trial pack of Snus assembled by me! The trial pack includes some of my personal favorite types of Snus, and consists of the following Snus brands:
    • Camel White Portion
    • Catch Eucalyptus Dry Mini (2 cans)
    • Nick & Johnny Black
    • Skruf Stark
    • 01 Original
    • Lucky Strike White
    Camel White Portion

    In order to enter the contest, read the full blog post here
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