The real time story of the conversion of a smoker.


  • timholian
    started a blog post The real time story of the conversion of a smoker.

    The real time story of the conversion of a smoker.

    I will start off by saying I too am a recent snus convert, and I am the type of person that likes to share new things with those around me. I am working on converting my friend Bruce (Tex) from being a smoker to becoming a snuser.

    To begin the conversion I posted in my forum (gaming clan kinda) about my new snus adventure, gave some info on snus and gave the link to the Generals website to get free samples. I shared my decision to stop smoking and start snusing hoping to influence others to do the same. The only real inquiry was from my friend Tex:

    "I'm sorry you didn't like the little cigars, it was at least worth a try. Not sure about SNUS, but for free I guess I should give it. Have you asked the Indians if they will stock it? They might.
    I would be willing to bet a lot of money that everyone that has smoked for any length of time has tried #3*. About 30% are able to quit, the rest just get grumpy as hell!" *in reference to my OP
    I continued to post about my progress and thoughts.:

    "I have been having great success not smoking and instead using snus. Right now, in three days, I have only needed to smoke one in the morning and a couple before bed. This is coming from someone who has smoked since he was 12, I am 31 now. Like I said though, in high school I always dipped during football season but always returned to smoking. There were periods of dual use but only a few years of it. When I met Caroline she wouldn't kiss me if I had been dipping so I just switched to cigarettes. (Thats been 11 years ago.)
    I think the snus maybe giving me more nicotine that the cigarettes and thats why I have little craving to smoke. I mean I lit one yesterday purely out habit, and that was an odd lesson in conditioning. LMAO"

    So, a few days ago I sent Tex a box with samples of almost every snus I had on hand. He received the box yesterday evening and promptly did as instructed and stored his new found snus stash in the freezer. This morning was his first adventure into the world of snus, this was his reaction:

    "Fedex delivered the package at about 6:00pm yesterday. I put the Snus in the freezer (as suggested) and pull out a bag at random this morning. Nick & Johnny strong. Holy crap! I put one for about an hour, it is now an hour after removing it, and I still have a nicotine buzz! At least I think that is what it is LMAO! I will put the other pouch back in the freezer and pull another one to try. If this is the feeling I had when I first started smoking no wonder I got hooked!
    Obviously I am new at this; how do you tell when a pouch is spent? The last 15 minutes or so when I swallowed I would get a "grab" in my throat. Quick sip of coffee took it away, but it was strange to say the least. The other thing when I put the first one in I was sitting at the computer (working on Little Drummer Boy in my red and white suit ROFL)* drinking coffee. Needed to return some of the rented coffee and stood up to go. WHAM!!!!!!! I suddenly realized I was high! ROFL, I just stood there for a little while enjoying the feeling.
    guess I'll wait another hour or so before trying the next one." *He is working on a badass Christmas light show

    I went on to tell him he had used the strongest I had sent him but not the strongest snus available and that I keep strong portions for an hour or longer but the rule of thumb is 30mins to an hour.

    I really hope I can convert him to the snus side and by the looks of it, it may be easier than I thought.

    Thanks for reading and stay tuned, I will update as the conversion progresses.

    • Guest's Avatar
      Guest commented
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      Great story Tim and I hope your friend comes round to snus! I'm off to read part 2! Thanks for the great read!

    • timholian
      timholian commented
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      Thanks for the kind words Bluestreak!
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