I have been waiting for his responses like a child at Christmas. This is of course due to a couple of things. First, do you have any idea how stubborn and hardcore old Texans are about their smoking? VERY HARDCORE, they (we) loves our smokes so to have one of them in the snus noose is awesome! Second, this will be my first conversion! I mean we have a potentially life saving product here, whats not to love?!
This was the response I received a day ago:
"Snus is something else. I need to do a test to see if I can get through a whole day using nothing but Snus, but for sure it will work to get me through for several hours."
"As far as your full day without smokes, good luck! I did it after a couple of days of snusing too. I just decided one morning to get a snus instead of a cigarette and havent looked back. I have ordered more "strong snus"(11-15mg) so if you find you need something a little stronger during craving times I have the cure for that! LMAO"
The Chem E in me has become fascinated with Snus. I have learned several things while reading up on the subject; pH is very important to nicotine absorption. That is why keeping it in the freezer is important; pH will decrease with age; the cold retards the reaction. Interestingly American manufactures do not chill their Snus during the process, but the Swedish do! That's why the American Snus will never be as good as the Swedish Snus. The pH is all wrong (too low), and it acts like snuff, but with the lack of moisture in the mouth with Snus you don't absorb the nicotine very well. So, in this case don't buy American
Also the biggest thing in converting from smoking to Snus is that when you smoke you get a big jolt because it is absorbed and sent to the brain right away. With Snus you get the same amount but it is spread over a long time period. So the body has to adjust to never getting the big jolt. That is also why light cigarettes cause you to smoke more, and actually do more harm than regular strength. You get the jolt, but the amount in the system is less so you smoke more to get the level up. Once again, the Government made things worse by attacking the wrong problem. The laws passed all went after nicotine content, which while not good for you, is not the real problem with smoking; IT"S THE TAR STUPID! In their on going proof of stupidity Congress dictated how nicotine and tar levels were measured, and I know this will surprise you they got the test procedure WRONG!"
Also the biggest thing in converting from smoking to Snus is that when you smoke you get a big jolt because it is absorbed and sent to the brain right away. With Snus you get the same amount but it is spread over a long time period. So the body has to adjust to never getting the big jolt. That is also why light cigarettes cause you to smoke more, and actually do more harm than regular strength. You get the jolt, but the amount in the system is less so you smoke more to get the level up. Once again, the Government made things worse by attacking the wrong problem. The laws passed all went after nicotine content, which while not good for you, is not the real problem with smoking; IT"S THE TAR STUPID! In their on going proof of stupidity Congress dictated how nicotine and tar levels were measured, and I know this will surprise you they got the test procedure WRONG!"
Wanted to stop by and see what you were saying about me ROFL.
I may do my own blog to see if I can get any pointers other than "work at it" on switching over to Snus.
I would never have tried Snus if not for Tim. I have no idea if I will be able to switch over completely, but at least I can go to places like Disneyland, Sea World, Legoland with my Grandkids using Snus. The "Anti-Smoking Nazis" have made it so you can't smoke anywhere in the parks now. And of course the parks a huge, with one entrance, so trying to enjoy them was impossible for me. Maybe now I have hope.
No way am I converted yet. But maybe, just maybe I can enjoy life a little more. Coming off a 3 pack a day habit is hard.
PS. Thanks for all the great comments!
Tex, a lot of people feel the need to spit in their first month of snusing.
Welcome to SnusOn! I came off a 2 pack a day habit about 40 days ago now. My path was to stick with regular and mini portions, but I kept one in all day from waking until before bed. I had some urges to smoke and I still do a bit, but they go away really fast if you swap in a new portion and find something to do for a couple minutes.
I did have a question for you - if you don't mind. You had said: "That is why keeping it in the freezer is important; pH will decrease with age; the cold retards the reaction". I've got quite a bit of this stored, and much of it will remain stored for some period of time - several years. So, if the pH drops with age - can you "revive" it by adding a bit of sodium carbonate solution before use (or some other method)?