How to quit smoking with snus THE FULL STORY


  • vogi tobacco
    started a blog post How to quit smoking with snus THE FULL STORY

    How to quit smoking with snus THE FULL STORY

    I really didn't know what to name this blog post, so I will just give a back story and jump into it.

    I am writing this for the people quitting smoking, and are doing so, using snus. I always hear people doing it, but they never tell their story. They make it sound so easy. They make it seem like they popped a snus in, and never looked back. This is my story. The FULL story. It is a long read, but you will have a higher chance of quitting if you read the whole thing.

    This is my advice for people quitting smoking with snus. When ever you want to smoke, use snus. It is THAT simple. The nicotine is there, and you will not get a craving for a smoke, once you already are snusing. It is the habit of GETTING the nicotine that is the hardest part of the quitting process. Just remember, snus has nicotine, so when the cravings hit, settle them with the snus. I am writing this completely smoke free with a snus in my mouth.

    I was a smoker of 15 years. I smoked a pack, to a pack and a half a day. A little history on that. My first cigarette was a lucky strike unfiltered. I loved the taste, and the rush was awesome. It was the best feeling in the world. I chased that rush for a while until I noticed that it went away and I was smoking a cigarette a day until I bought my first pack. This is when the story of cigarettes running my life starts. I switched brands a lot until I settled on the brand that I smoked for the next 15 years. As smokers/ex-smokers, we know how that is. Nicotine cravings, bad breath, losing breath, smelling horrible, standing outside in the cold... I could write a book on what smokers go through, but this is not about smoking. This is about quitting.

    I tried to quit smoking for 10 years. First was with gum, that didn't help at all. The lozenges didn't help either. I was allergic to the patch, and some e-cigs gave me horrible migraines, so now I am having nicotine withdrawals, and wishing I didn't have a head. Snuff smells great, but is not too great in giving nicotine.

    This is when I found snus. I have heard of snus before. I have tried Camel, and hated it. I used dip back in the high school days, and I had a love hate relationship with wintergreen. I was in my local gas station and saw "general white wintergreen portions" and picked up a pack. It was less then 2 dollars, and I figured I would give it a try. The first day was great. I was surprised that I didn’t get a nicotine withdrawal at all. The snus was this magical little tea bag that I put in and took away wanting a cigarette. AND IT IS SAFE. End of story? NO!

    Day 2.
    I used the last two portions before work. I needed gas, and stopped at another gas station. They did not have snus, so I filled up and bought a pack of smokes. I smoked three on my way to work, and finished the pack half way through my shift. I was now a duel user. I did buy a tin of snus later that day. I snused at work, and smoked in the car.

    Now using snus during work, but still smoking in the car, I cut down on cigarettes a significant amount. I was smoking about a pack a week. I was ordering in bulk online, using loose and portions. The thing is that I was still smoking. I thought long and hard, and decided to not smoke any more. I dove head first and threw away my fresh pack of smokes and was doing well for a month. The moment I woke up, I threw in a snus and went on my way. When I arrived, I took it out and clocked in. (I drive for a living). I was getting a little anxious, as it was a slow day at work. Usually I only snused in the vehicle. When break time hit, I rushed to the store and bought a pack of smokes. I was smoking again.

    This was the hardest thing for me. I get a strong nicotine craving, and run back to smoking. I was duel using for about two years. I didn’t consider myself a smoker, because I used snus, and only smoked a pack a week. A smoker is a person who smokes a pack a day… Right? Well I still felt bad. I still had the smoker cough, and I hated the effects smoking was having on me. I finally figured out what I was doing wrong after two years of using snus and cigarettes. NICOTINE. As a 15 year smoker, smoking is an addiction AND a habit. I needed to break the habit. When you need nicotine, you lit up a smoke, and the craving went away. THIS is when you want to ask “Vogi, if snused so long and cut pack so much, why do you still smoke?”

    The truth is, I put a snus in my mouth before I really needed the nicotine. I kept it in, got my fix, spit it out, and then hopped in the vehicle, and put another one in before I really had a craving. I was getting the nicotine, and my body never craved the nicotine, since I was giving it a steady supply. When I was not snusing, the body eventually wanted nicotine, and as a 15 year smoker, when I got the craving, I did what I did for the last 15 years, and lit up. I figured this out on accident.

    At this time, I was already on youtube, on here, and on go I was researching my next bulk order, watching youtube videos, and needing nicotine BAD. I was going to watch one more video review then go out for a smoke. Then the reviewer said something… “Join me for a snus, while I review”. I made a nice prilla, and popped it in my mouth. 5 videos later, I noticed I didn’t go out for that smoke nearly 2 hours after the craving hit. I was back to chain snusing, being at home and all. THIS is when it hit me. If I get a craving, put snus in. OR what I later decided, snus as much as I want.

    That is it. LONG story short. Snus is your new cigarette. If you get a craving, put in a snus. Snus is NOT like cigarettes. You can not smoke a full pack of cigarettes back to back to back….. I constantly have a snus in my mouth. I no longer get cravings. I no longer WANT to smoke. I do miss them ever once in a while, but not because of the smoking factor. Just the social factor. People even smoke around me, and I do not NEED a cigarette, like most ex smokers experience. It is just the “lets go smoke and talk” that I miss. The private intimate moments.

    This is my advice for people quitting smoking with snus. When ever you want to smoke, use snus. It is THAT simple. The nicotine is there, and you will not get a craving for a smoke, once you already are snusing. It is the habit of GETTING the nicotine that is the hardest part of the quitting process. Just remember, snus has nicotine, so when the cravings hit, settle them with the snus. I am writing this completely smoke free with a snus in my mouth.

    • jxr182
      jxr182 commented
      Editing a comment
      Thank you for writing this! I have been using snus for probably three years or so, but have never been able to completely kick cigarettes. I will go a few months as a "non-smoker" before getting beat down by my cravings, buying a pack, and then being back on the pack a day habit for a month or two before I quit again. I have found it is the habit with the immediate gratification that gets me. Regardless of whether I'm having a nicotine craving or not, my brain is wired to know that I feel relief, a boost, after having a cigarette. It has nothing to do with nicotine. BUT when I am trying to quit smoking and I chain snus every waking moment, i can not fathom the idea of a cigarette as there is too much nicotine already in my system. I'm now at six months not smoking, the longest I've ever went, and the last month or so has been rough again. I bought a pack of cigarettes last week, had about five before throwing them out, and I'm back on the non-smoker boat. I consider that a success... first time i haven't went back to smoking full time.

      I know what you say about all the stories out there being about people having a super easy time jumping from snus to smoking... but it's absolutely the case that it is not that easy for all of us. I love snus, and I will succeed with snus. I'm already 100x healthier because of it... but it's still a fight at times!
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