Want to lower your car insurance? Live near a church.


  • wa3zrm
    started a blog post Want to lower your car insurance? Live near a church.

    Want to lower your car insurance? Live near a church.

    Want to lower your car insurance? Live near a church.

    Examiner.com ^ | May 7, 2010 | Réne Girard
    Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2010 11:15:13 AM

    You have heard it said that the three most important factors in real estate are: location, location, location. Turns out that location is also important in terms of car insurance.

    If you want to lower your car insurance, then be sure to live close to a house of worship. That's right, church can be good for your soul as well as your pocketbook.

    According to Insure.com, if you happen to live within one (1) mile of a church or other "religious instituiton" you are 10% less likely to have an automobile accident that results in property damage to your vehicle. Therefore, if you are less likely to have a serious auto accident (remember, most accidents happen close to home), then you are more likely to save money on your automobile insurance.

    You do not have to attend that local church on a regular basis or ever. You just have to live within one mile. How's that for an extended blessing?

    When you think about why there are fewer accidents, it does make sense...

    • texasmade
      texasmade commented
      Editing a comment
      i have 2 churches within a mile of my house...do i get an extra discount?
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