roda_lacket_white_portion_24gr.jpgI spend about a week reading reviews of various snus products before I finally settle on which ones I will order. This usually involves editing my shopping cart a few times before finally hitting the submit button and entering the land of no return. I often kick myself after my order arrives and wishing I had selected differently. It's futile really, but that's the way it always seems to go down.
Needless to say, I read a lot of reviews before ordering Roda Lacket. From Snubie, to Snus Central, from Snuson, to Dr. Snus, I read them all. I was just coming out of the "stronger always = better" stage of my evolution as a snuser. I realized I needed to mix in some 8mg portions into my daily regimen as too many strong portions was begining to tire me out. That's when I decided to try Roda.
It is no secret that I am not a big fan of white portions. I find them rougher on the gums and less flavorful, at least initially. Sure, the flavor comes on eventually, but I like to taste it as soon as I pop it in my mouth. I also enjoy a slight drip, which I don't usually get from whites.
Roda Lacket, from the uncomparable Swedish Match, was a pleasant surprise. A white portion that I really liked. Don't get me wrong, if it was available as an orignal portion, I'd opt for that. But since it's not, I'll focus on what it is: a damn good snus option.
In term of the can design, it was much more classy looking in person than the the pictures online convey. I really love simple elegance of th design. It is clean and vibrant and of course has the ashtray lid.
It smelled fruity when I opened it and saw the typical but never ordinary star design of the portions in the can. When I placed the first portion in it tasted so unique compared to the other snus I had tried. It tasted like berries. It was not overly sweet or artificial tasting. It reminded me of a taste from long ago in childhood...I could almost not place this strange but delicious taste. Then it hit me: Frankenberry Cereal. That is what it tastes like. Frankenberry cereal, minus the milk and plus salt. Sounds strange but it is really very mellow and a nice change up from the run of the mill.I love it's saltiness. I spent a week or two alternating every other portion with Roda Lacket. each time I would pull out a strong snus, I would wait a few minutes and then pop in a Roda.
The only down sides to this snus are: 1. I can see how someone could burn out on this snus. I wouldn't use it all day but 3-5 of them a day was fine for me.
2. This is a quite salty snus. For me if I do too many of them my gums start to feel dry and I don't seem to produce as much saliva. It's kind of like when you eat too many over-salted chips or fries.
In any case, I will probably always try to keep one can of this on hand. It is well worth checking out. The nicotine hit is fine and is not noticiably different from any other SM 8mg product.
On another note, I have seen this snus compared to Gote's Rape #2. I see these two products having little in common other than the berry flavor. I ave yet to acquire a tast for Rape' #2, which I will review for your pleasure (or not) at a later time.
Finally, having tried Roda and made it part of my regular rotation, I am sorely disapointed that I never got try Claq Qui. Anyone who takes pity on me, and wants to send me some is welcome to PM me. Until next time: Keep on Snusin' on...
and if you haven't already, consider given Roda a try.
Roda Lacket Portion Review -WolfenJack's Reviews
Roda Lacket Portion Review -WolfenJack's Reviews
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#1Experimental Monkey commented25-12-11, 07:47 AMEditing a commentI like your reviews, man. I hope you keep them coming. And yeah, Roda's real good but I don't think I could use it more than 3-4 times a day.
#2Xakz commented30-12-11, 02:44 AMEditing a commentRoda lös and Gote's Rape lös are both brilliant.
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