OK, this is my initial review of a chew I have never had before.
I went to my local grocery yesterday and saw this, and realized I had never had this.
Granger Select. Made by Pinkerton. This was average priced, but a little less than Levi, I think it was $4.17, I don't have my reciept, but it was just over $4.
I have here a pouch, 3 oz, of Granger Select chew, never had it before, and it's unopened, so I will now open it.
It has the zip-lock thing. which is good. Smells nice. Deep and robust smell, has a sweetness in the mix.
OK, let's try some out. Good moisture, nice cut, maybe it's just the pieces I pulled out, but it seems a kinda thinner cut, and as soon as I was putting it in my mouth, a very flavor emerged, this is really good. Has a sweetness, but not striking or overdone, robust is what I want to say overall, the natural tobacco comes through, and it's very good. Maybe it's the "Premium Leaf", but the cut and feel of the leaves is very good.
I said before I believe loose leaf chew is my favorite type of oral tobacco, and this is why. Good robust flavor, with a nice sweetness in it, but it's not "flavored", like many dips are, just a sweetened tobacco, and it's good, and the comfort of loose leaf in the mouth, to me, is way above anything else.
I do think, overall, the popular loose leaf chews are all similar, though the level of the sweetness can vary, and the subtle flavor of it differ some... as I have this in my mouth, what I am noticing the most here is the cut and very soft leaf, this is really good.... I really like this one.
Something still wants me to think Levi is still my fave chew, Levi has a sharp sweetness, but also a bold tobacco essence. I've recently been using Trophy, which is very good too, especially for being $2 something a pouch, and that one is distinct, I think. It's hard to give this and chews in general a rating, as it's either good, real good, or OK. I want to say this one is real good. The leaf cut and soft leaf along with the amount of sweet flavor, all blends in great, and I would get this before I'd get Red Man original, Morgans, .....
Overall: A real good chew, very good taste, and great cut comfort. Definate rebuy.
I went to my local grocery yesterday and saw this, and realized I had never had this.
Granger Select. Made by Pinkerton. This was average priced, but a little less than Levi, I think it was $4.17, I don't have my reciept, but it was just over $4.
I have here a pouch, 3 oz, of Granger Select chew, never had it before, and it's unopened, so I will now open it.
It has the zip-lock thing. which is good. Smells nice. Deep and robust smell, has a sweetness in the mix.
OK, let's try some out. Good moisture, nice cut, maybe it's just the pieces I pulled out, but it seems a kinda thinner cut, and as soon as I was putting it in my mouth, a very flavor emerged, this is really good. Has a sweetness, but not striking or overdone, robust is what I want to say overall, the natural tobacco comes through, and it's very good. Maybe it's the "Premium Leaf", but the cut and feel of the leaves is very good.
I said before I believe loose leaf chew is my favorite type of oral tobacco, and this is why. Good robust flavor, with a nice sweetness in it, but it's not "flavored", like many dips are, just a sweetened tobacco, and it's good, and the comfort of loose leaf in the mouth, to me, is way above anything else.
I do think, overall, the popular loose leaf chews are all similar, though the level of the sweetness can vary, and the subtle flavor of it differ some... as I have this in my mouth, what I am noticing the most here is the cut and very soft leaf, this is really good.... I really like this one.
Something still wants me to think Levi is still my fave chew, Levi has a sharp sweetness, but also a bold tobacco essence. I've recently been using Trophy, which is very good too, especially for being $2 something a pouch, and that one is distinct, I think. It's hard to give this and chews in general a rating, as it's either good, real good, or OK. I want to say this one is real good. The leaf cut and soft leaf along with the amount of sweet flavor, all blends in great, and I would get this before I'd get Red Man original, Morgans, .....
Overall: A real good chew, very good taste, and great cut comfort. Definate rebuy.