EU Oliver Twist Review with regard to everthing possibly going tits up after 25/04/12

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    EU Oliver Twist Review with regard to everthing possibly going tits up after 25/04/12

    If everything goes wrong after 25/04/11 we EU snussers need to be prepared. Do we give up, go back to smoking or is there something else?

    Oliver Twists have been around since the 1800's and have the same as or lower TSNA content as snus. They are small, very small but are quite surprising.

    I got the Arctic and Eucalyptus as I'm not too fond of turns out that they all taste of liqorice but it isn't all bad. Strangely enough they tasted pretty good.
    There's no point in photographing the tobacco bits as they're simply very small, soft and black.
    They taste slightly sweet but are not cloyingly sweet - perfectly acceptable.

    The nicotine delivery is different from snus in that it is quicker - you need more nic? ... squeeze with your teeth. It lasts about 20 - 25 minutes but I am an 'Extreme' user so it would probably last longer for regular strength snus users.

    Is the nicotine enough? Surprisingly yes it is.
    If the EU ban was entirely successful could I survive on Oliver Twists? - you most definately could.
    Could you use Oliver Twists all day? Yes.
    Will they be satisfying enough? Yes.
    Do you need to spit? Not at all.
    Are they discrete? Yes.
    Do they give you heartburn? No.

    Price - from £3.85 per pack of 30 to £4.04. £42 quid in total including delivery for a pack of 10 (same as a roll of snus from Northerner). Delivery was 2 days.

    The only downside imo is the sweetness but that's because I'm used to snus. I'm not sure if they're sweetened with sugar of artificial sweeteners but it wouldn't bother me as I fill my face with toffees and fizzy drinks anyway so whatever tiny amount that would be in these is insignificant.
  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Yes the title should read 2012 - Mods?


    • Fazer
      • May 2011
      • 663

      I'm gunna get me some of them ! Thanks for that mate


      • Ansel
        • Feb 2011
        • 3696

        Originally posted by Fazer
        I'm gunna get me some of them ! Thanks for that mate
        mysmokingshop delivers them quick


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          I got them from mysmokingshop.

          Just remember that it's a totally different experience from snus. Treat it for what it is.


          • Fazer
            • May 2011
            • 663

            Originally posted by Ansel
            mysmokingshop delivers them quick
            haha i was just looking


            Each pack contains 7g of tobacco which equates to approximately 30 pieces. That's a lot less than x 24 1gram bags. Would 30 pieces last as long as a can of portions ?


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              Originally posted by Fazer
              haha i was just looking


              Each pack contains 7g of tobacco which equates to approximately 30 pieces. That's a lot less than x 24 1gram bags. Would 30 pieces last as long as a can of portions ?
              I'll get back to you but it's looking like it will last exactly the same as a tin of portions.


              • Fazer
                • May 2011
                • 663

                Originally posted by Frosted
                I'll get back to you but it's looking like it will last exactly the same as a tin of portions.
                I was just looking at them, the average nicotine content of the original is 5.5 mg per pellet, mixed up with some snuff and that should do the trick!


                • Frosted
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 5798

                  Here's the shop that does them for £3.85. Check the price of postage though.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    Fazer - trust me. They're surprisingly strong enough. It's just a bloody shame they all taste of liquorice.


                    • Fazer
                      • May 2011
                      • 663

                      Originally posted by Frosted
                      Here's the shop that does them for £3.85. Check the price of postage though.
                      I just had a look, and it's ok if you don't want them quick ... He says ... Please note: Chewing Tobacco is dispatched on Mondays only. Any orders placed by Friday 3 p.m. will be dispatched the following Monday

                      I can live with liquorice !!


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        I've just chewed one right from putting it in my mouth and haven't stopped......these things are as strong as you like. If you bite down on it gently and just keep it there between your teeth it gets mighty strong. In fact I'm sweating slightly.


                        • dm_lasse
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 369

                          Are there any good shops where i can get these and what ships around europe? Mysmokingstore ad Snuffstore doesn't have all products from Oliver Twist.. I have tried just Oliver Twist original and like it and been thinking to get some because i haven't got any of these in years...


                          • Darwin
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 1372

                            Frosted I tried the "Tropical" flavor, liquorice of course, and had to triple-barrel the things to get any decent nic out of them. Tried chewing on one of them as you are doing and the flavor turned so foul I had to get rid of it in a big hurry.


                            • Ansel
                              • Feb 2011
                              • 3696

                              Frosted, are you putting just one tobacco bit in at a time or are you doubling/tripling up?

                              I enjoyed them when i was putting two in at a time but i am wondering if i can get my nic tolerance down and get away with one at a time.

                              I tried tropical and eucalyptus - they tasted pretty much the same, of liquorice - but nice.


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