Samuel Gawith Kendall Black twist

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  • Monkey
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 3290

    Samuel Gawith Kendall Black twist

    I got it in yesterday and have had a few bits off of it.

    I got the Kendal Black twist from Samuel Gawith and POW! it is strong as balls! I got a buzz with a tiny little bit. WAY less than half a gram.....about the size of half a mini portion made me sit down for about fifteen minutes.

    The smell is horrible at first. Like the first time I smelled a real Kendall Sam Gawith makes. It has grown on me thus far but was a shocker.

    The taste is pretty good after a bit. Like chewing on a bit of good unsweetened tobacco because that is what you are doing.... There is no sweetness or salt here in this one and that is why I didn't get a flavored one. I wanted plain, unsweetened tobacco.

    I actually don't chew it and haven't needed to spit (but I used to gut dip). The only thing I spit is American chewing tobacco the three times a year I use it.

    This will be in that category.

    Used sparingly, but enjoyed immensely.

    Maybe I will have to get a pipe to try and smoke some of it.
  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    Blimey! You're one brave monkey.

    It's strong, yes. But it tastes of pure cancer to me. The tobacco is so heavily fire cured that it tastes like licking the inside of a well used wood fire chimney before Dick Van Dyke has had a chance to shove his brush rod up there to me.

    I agree - no salt, no sugar - just tar and soot.

    I'm sad I don't like it - I'd love to buy british if I could and it's a traditional product, but I'd like to see a TSNA test on the stuff - I'm not sure the machines could cope with it!



    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      I don't want to see the TSNA on it. Ignorance is bliss on this one for me. Makes me glad I got it though as if I had gotten a sweet one I may have had a different view of the Kendal twists and been using them without realizing what the base twist is like.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Interesting. I'm not sure I'd like it, but I think I'll have to pick some up on my next order. I'm always up for a new tobacco experience.


        • squeezyjohn
          • Jan 2008
          • 2497

          lxskllr, you will like it as much as you would like any heavy duty pipe tobacco in your mouth! I would say don't hold your breath, but holding your breath is the best way of coping with the stuff!



          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


          • Monkey
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2009
            • 3290

            I was going through some old stuff and found my pipes. I threw some of this in the Cob for shits and giggles. Wow. Tasted like pepper. Black pepper.

            I actually thought I got rid of them. Maybe I will make this an occasional habit. I tried to quit cigarettes with a pipe but never did.

            Maybe not.


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