Thank you, oh and by the way Picanell don't taste like they have sugar in.
Yes, I use Piccanell every few days. It's indeed rather salty, almost like snus, and it's a real treat. The sugar-content is certainly very low. My concerns about the health of my teeth are probably a little over the top.
Yes, I use Piccanell every few days. It's indeed rather salty, almost like snus, and it's a real treat. The sugar-content is certainly very low. My concerns about the health of my teeth are probably a little over the top.
I know what you mean, whenever I have any redman or dip I brush my teeth or use mouth wash afterwards due to the sugar, you are not alone! lol
I e-mailed Oliver Twist about 6 months ago with this question. The Originals taste like they're fire cured. They're not.
I can't remember what figures they quoted me - they're in another thread, but they were as low as snus throughout their products - not an iota higher.
The sugar content is extremely low.
I have notice that there have been comments in various discussions about the best PH level in Snus for the optimal nicotine uptake. It seems that 7 to...
Many thanks to Darkwing for pointing out and providing the article! The Lancet is one of the oldest scholarly medical journals in the world. This was...