I just took their survey, and it said:
"Thank you very much for participating. You will receive the sample tin within a few weeks."
I doubt that I'll see here, in Illinois, but worth a shot, I guess.
I remember trying Oliver Twists several years ago......sort of a licorice-tobacco bit without much kick
Yeah they all had liquorice in apart from this new Golden one.
If you are taking snus and step down to these they probably won't give you enough nicotine due to your tolerance. if you are coming from cigarettes, pipe, or cigars - even nicotine replacement therapy, then they give adequate nicotine IMHO.
Don't put more than one in at a time otherwise you will up your tolerance and waste your money.
Got some coming may make a review once they come not that I really do reviews, but like Oliver twists a lot. May partition my local store to stock some would make my life easier if they where readily available. Love the licorice royals but I think they make my blood pressure sky high. Anyway if I can I shall use them (unflavoured ones)when ever possible due to the cost of the pound and the price of shipping for snus, either that or give tobacco up. Plus I think their more eco friendly
I have notice that there have been comments in various discussions about the best PH level in Snus for the optimal nicotine uptake. It seems that 7 to...
Oliver Twist are small discreet tobacco bits in a variety of flavors. Made of whole tobacco leaves with a natural nicotine content. You use it the same way as snus or Swedish Chew, place it somewhere in your mouth, and if you wish for a release of additional nicotine you can chew on it gently once in a while. ...