Anyone here ever dip Scotch Snuff?

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Anyone here ever dip Scotch Snuff?


    Yeah, I know some will say, that's for nasal use. But I'm not so sure. I like nasal snuff alot, and use alot of the "real" nasal snuff imported, to me, as an American. But these scotch snuffs have a history of being used as a dip, and after reading a booklet of a 1936 US Tobacco Company, explaining Scotch Snuff, it is clear that the intended manufacturing use is for "chew", as they word it. So, while I am sure it can be used nasally, though I find it too dry and dusty to be a good nasal snuff for me, I was curious if anyone here has tried "dipping" it, and what their comments are? I did try this twice, once with W.E. Garrett, and once with Brutons. And the initial idea of putting this dry powder in my mouth was at 1st a turn off, curiosity got me, and I decided to just do it. Now it was a bit messy, but it was doable, and something about it wasn't too bad. I sorta kinda maybe liked it. After a while of spitting in a can, watching TV, I rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth. I did it again the next day. Now I am really interested to try this with some of the sweet and flavored scotch snuffs. I do not want to try the imported nasal snuffs as a dip, as they are just made differently, and are not made for dipping. So, I just wondered if anyone here has dipped the American made Scotch Snuffs, and what your comments might be?

  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I'll put some American sweet snuff on my tongue, but I don't dip it. I never tried the scotch, but I imagine it would be kind of bitter. I'll give it a try later.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      The traditional way, at least here in the South, has been to take a piece of wood, wet it, and then dip the wood into the snuff and suck on it. My wife's Grandma who lived her whole life in the swamps of South Carolina and died last year at 96 used to do that. I know she used a special wood but long ago forgot the name.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        I have heard of that stick method too, online. My wife told me her old grandma would dip Garrett snuff, and put it in her lip, and spit. I can't seem to understand how the stick method works, and it requires a special stick? And it so you'd have a snuff coated wet stick, to suck on? But the snuff would come right off and into your mouth, it seems to me, then you'd have a mouth full of "mud". The lip method seems better than the stick, based on how I can figure it out.

        Thanks, any other comments, or 1st hand accounts?



        • GoldenBoy
          • Mar 2009
          • 21

          Well I tried some Rooster and some Honey Bee orally, I just took a half tea spoon and put it in my lower lip. You have to spit. I didnยดt like it very much to be honest :? .
          Never tried the stick. And i doubt I will.


          • Condor
            • Sep 2008
            • 752

            I dont think i could do the stick method. Remember those little ice cream cups you would get as a kid? The ones with the wooden spoons? Yeah, they made me gag. The texture of wood is horrible.

            Southern people do all kinds of crazy shit. They chew white clay, too...


            • TexDis
              • Dec 2008
              • 63

              My north Louisiana cotton farming great-grandmother dipped W.E. Garrett until the day she died at 89 years of age. When I was a kid my grandmother would take the empty cans and put cinnamon and sugar in them for us grandkids to "dip".

              I've dipped W.E.Garrett on several occasions - just pull out the bottom lip and tap some out of the can. It's very, very dry and it will float around like a mother. You can't flip it or move it around and after spending 20 minutes trying to get it in shape you'll still have a bone dry spot of snuff right in the middle of the load.

              It didn't in any way compare to the joys of Copenhagen, so I rather quickly ended my trial.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                Tex- that's a good post. And yeah, it does keep a dry patch in the middle on me too. I wanna try some of the sweet kinds next.



                • deebocools
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 661

                  perhaps you could try rolling little joints with an old teabag and dipping that.


                  • Snusdog
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 6752

                    sagedil is exactly right. Here in the south before pouches or minis there was the stick. In fact, this is where the term "dipping" came from. You dip the stick in, do what ever for a while, spit, then dip.

                    The stick? Any ol hardwood twig with the bark whittled away will do. Of course now a days ya'll can go to and buy a stainless steal Icetool stick whittler or its cheaper cousin the stickmaster to do the job for you.
                    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 2781

                      LOL@snusdog. Man that is funny haha.


                      • luckysealy
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 281

                        i have dipped many a can of snuff. when i was younger and money was harder to come buy i would dip red seal snuff. not the moist stuff the dry stuff. i actually enjoyed it it just didn't give me the nic hit that copenhagen did. one of the small cans would last me nearly a week and only cost around $2. i might have to pick up a can next time i see some.


                        • texasmade
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 4159

                          i dipped the grizz snuff was course to be labeled fine cut

                          the taste though...just couldnt deal with it


                          • luckysealy
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 281

                            tex they are talking about dry powdered snuff not the moist stuff. you know the stuff that resembles nasal snuff.


                            • texasmade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4159

                              yea i know
                              it said dry snuff


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