The Chew Thread

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Now, as I contemplate my new trials with chew, I don't think I like it "more" than dip, because at least of the 3 I have, and while they are all slightly different, they all seem basically one-note highly sweetened tobacco leaves.

    I really like a Natural dip. But also I try not to compare tobacco items, as they are all different, and I think best taken individually for what they are.

    But I think a loose leaf Copenhagen style would really be good.


    • shikitohno
      • Jul 2009
      • 1156

      Try the Kendal Black Twist on Mr. Snuff. I just got some in, and I don't particularly like sweet chaws either. This one is a nice simple leaf, with a bit bit of spice. I'm thinking I detect some perique in the blend. It also has a nice spot of nicotine in it, because I have two inch long slice in my cheek, and I've got a wee buzz going. Usually a loose leaf just doesn't give me enough nic for me to really one it steadily, so the odd bag I buy goes off before I use it up. It's quite tightly spun, so it's holding up pretty nicely as well.


      • desirexe
        • Feb 2008
        • 1170

        Never really had any interest in chew before this thread. If I had to pick the manliest forms of tobacco use, it would be chew, dip and pipes, therefore, this explains my lack of interest in chew. Anyway, curiousity got the best of me and I threw in a pouch of Southern Pride in my recent order, got the chew, ran to the bathroom, locked the door and tried a pinch. It's called CHEWING tobacco, so that is exactly what I did, chewed on a wad like it was a big wad of bubble gum. After a little gagging, I think I used too much, I was left to think, "OMFG! This $hit is GREAT!" I love the rich, deep sweetness! This is one habit I'll leave to you guys though, my husband would trip if he knew I got chew!


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Yeah, don't chew it like gum, but just enough to get a manageable wad in the gum, and leave it there, slightly chewing or switching sides as needed.

          I'm really liking the chew.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            I wanna find some chew that is distinctive, that stands out as different. The 3 bags I have are all "good", but they are all very similar. If they were switched in the bags, I would not know.


            • Tobakssmak
              • Jan 2010
              • 263

              Originally posted by Liandri
              Redman Silver. It does not use sugar but rather a natural sweetener. Not like splenda or anything, but just not sugar. Little more mellow but my opinion the best redman.
              FYI, from
              "We use a sugar substitute (34g maltitol syrup per 3 oz. pouch), found naturally in fruits, that has been found to generally cause only a small rise in blood glucose levels."

              cyrax777, thanks for the tip. I just signed up for a free pouch.

              I haven't tried chew since I was a teenager, and it about made me puke. I think it was in my mouth for a total of 30 seconds. We'll see how my tastes have changed after 20 years and a half-million cigarettes (and a bunch of snus now!)

              This is cool. I got a free mudjug from, now a free pouch of Redman. Gotta love the competitive tobacco business. I wonder what other free swag is out there...



              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                While standard chews are very sweet, you are not ingesting it, so I don't think it would have much effect on blood glucose. If anything, it'd be the teeth that could be affected. I do rinse my mouth out after a chew, and brush them before bed.


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  Plug Tobacco?

                  Anyone familiar with Plug Chewing Tobacco?
                  I bought some today. The store had 2 brands, and I asked for 1 of each. She came back with 2 plugs, I paid, stuck them in my pocket. When I later went to look at them, she gave me 2 of the same kind. Oh well, I didn't want to go back. I suspect they are similar enough, and I can just try the other one next time.

                  They had Cannon Ball Plug, and Days O Work Plug. I ended up getting 2 of the Days O Work. Never had plug before. Don't know what the weight is on it, but it was about 40 cents more than main brands of pouch.

                  Anyway, I got some in now. I just opened it up, and used my handy desk knife and cut a piece off. 1st impression is it's OK, though I think, or rather based on this, I know, I like the pouch more.

                  One question I had is about the lighter colored wrap around it. Is that tobacco too? I am guessing it is, as I just cut it along with the rest and stuck it in my mouth. There is a slight bitterness, and I wonder if that's the wrap? I think my next chaw of it, I'll try it without the wrap.

                  Eh, it's OK, similar, once in the mouth as basic loose leaf chew. Has a sweetness, maybe a slightly lesser, but about the same.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    My very first chew was Apple plug. I had that when I was about 12. I don't really remember much from it, but I like the compact size.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      Yeah, this is OK, once in the mouth it's about the same as loose leaf. I still like the loose leaf more. I'll try the cannon ball next time. They may have had a Taylors Pride Plug too, but not sure, as they had 2 boxes next to each other that looked the same, but had some slightly different writing on the top, and the way the stuff is all behind the counter it's hard to tell, but I'll ask next time. I got enough chew to last a couple of weeks though. They had Morgan Chew, Granger, RM Select, Starr, Levi.... seems the local Kroger has a decent selection.


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        Yeah, I like this plug quite a bit. I peeled off that outer wrap. It's really good. It's not a heavy sweet as the loose leaf. This is good stuff. I'll get more plugs.


                        • Monkey
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 3290

                          I like the taste and idea of plug, i prefer the ease of the loose pouch. Plus, if I carry a plug with me, i get pocket lint in it.



                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            Yeah, if you get the plug wrapped in plastic, you have to put it somewhere else, like zip lock sandwich bag. I had an empty Red Man chew pouch, so I put it in that.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              Of all the other oral tobaccos apart from portion snus, I like loose leaf chew the best.

                              Today I picked up a brand I'd never had before. Starr. They had these on sale, on 3 bags, and they came in a cardboard like box. It was only $7 something total. Anyway, this stuff is pretty good. Standard sweetened chew. Nothing to complain about. Cheap price, and now 3 bags of it. Got some in now.


                              • burningcow422
                                • Nov 2008
                                • 183

                                Southern Pride was good. At least I think that's what it was called.


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