Taylor's Pride chew. I think the bag was not properly sealed when I got it, as it was a bit on the dried out side, I added some water, but it's still doesn't seem like it should be, though I've never had it before.
It's ok, it just seems like it got dried out, and water was added. The flavor isn't bad though, I may not use up the whole bag though, due to it's unoptimal condition.
I went to my local Kroger grocery today, I wanted to get some Kodiak Straight, but all they had was Kodiak Wintergreen, and I saw one of the Grizzly collectors cases there, but all they had was wintergreen, they only had 2 of them, and that's it. It was dirt cheap, but I just did not want wintergreen, and I really don't care for wintergreen, so I passed on it, if they'd had a Straight, or a Snuff, I woyld have gotten it. So, I picked up a Timberwolf Straight LC instead, as I have never tried it.
So, Timber Wolf ..... oh man, woah....
whew... OK, well, I had stuck in a big lip of this. 1st impression was, wow, this tastes good. About as good as the Copenhagen straight I've been using non-stop, it didn't pack as well, but the taste was very good, then it hit me, like I had maybe stuck 10 portions of Thunder in my mouth, really hard nic buzz, spinning room,almost passed out, I had to spit it it out, rinse my mouth out and lay on the couch. Now I feel OK. I guess I put too much in. I'll put in a smaller amout in a few. But it has a very good taste, not a great pack, but OK, and wow, it didn't make me feel nauses, but man did it hit hard.
Skoal wintergreen pouches. I had bought some wintergreen skoal short that I couldn't pack at all (consistency was about that of coffee grounds) and the first time I dipped it that shit got all over my mouth and it tasted awful. I need to try some long cut but it's hard after that awful experience. In the meantime I just have some camel frost snus.
Yeah I think I mean fine cut, I already tossed it out though so I don't have the can handy. I googled it and I guess the skoal fine cut is somewhat notorious for being a little too fine. I'd pack it as hard as I could and when I went to pinch it, it would all just fall apart. The best I could do was lip a little bit at a time until I got a decent amount in there, and if I moved it at all it would just disintegrate in my mouth and I'd have little pieces of tobacco all over my mouth.
I think it's practice that makes it more doable. I used to think even long cut was hard to control, but now, I think I can do that, and fine cut about the same.
Just finished watching one of my favorite Clint Eastwood movies last night, The Outlaw Josey Wales. After watching Eastwood cut off hunks of plug tobacco for three hours I was done for. I immediately ran down to the smoke shop and picked up a pouch of Levi Garrett plug tobacco. It is delicious. Now if I can just hit a scorpion from 10 feet away with my chaw spit.
Thunder chewing tobacco is strong when it comes to nicotine content, which is accomplished naturally by using a larger percentage of tobacco leaves in each gram of Thunder Chew. ...