Copenhagen Snuff

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Copenhagen Snuff

    This is the granddaddy of moist snuff, as far as I know.
    This is the first dip I ever had. It's been a while since then, but today, I got some of this again.

    I must have forgotten how fine cut this is. It's rather hard to use. When I first got this, I used it right up front. Since then, I always got long cut and used it on the side. I prefer to use dip on the side. I did get some Grizzly Snuff not too long ago, and used it on the side, and I don't recall any problems.

    Anyway, I just now put some on the side. It wasn't easy, and I think I spit a bit out.
    Anyway, as far as taste goes, this is excellent. Fresh can is good and moist.

    It's hard to describe the taste, I don't think it's like any snus I've ever had. It is a bit salty, has a slight sweetness, not sure if it's added, or just natural tobacco sweetness. The taste flavor is what's called Natural, though the can of the Snuff, just says Snuff.

    So, the trick is getting used to the cut. Right up front is easier, though I don't want to wear my gums any right there, so I'll keep trying to get the side usage down.
  • timholian
    • Apr 2010
    • 1448

    I always placed my Cope basically where I keep my snus, except on the bottom. You know like right at the curve of your mouth on the left side.(Im right handed so its easier.) From what I remember, the best way to keep it from breaking up in your mouth is to basically pack the hell outta the can then make sure to do the same to the pinch.
    DAMNIT TOM.... now my mouth is watering for a lip of Cope... its been years but I may have to pick up a can because you buttholes keep talking about it! I blame Tom!


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985



      • timholian
        • Apr 2010
        • 1448



        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          I saw a guy on youtube use a spoon to dip it. I just tried it, and it really works good. Though I ended up having to place it more in the front. I don't know if a spoon would be "cool" if you are out somewhere, but sitting at home in front of the computer, who cares.


          • Bigblue1
            Banned Users
            • Dec 2008
            • 3923

            I'm with tim on this one, pack can really good then press cope against can as you pinch, also the fresher the better....


            • timholian
              • Apr 2010
              • 1448

              I just threw in my first dip of Cope in close to 10 years..... OMG, it reminds me of playing football, it reminds me of chasing tail and getting drunk. It all starts with the smell of the can even before its open. Just the smell of the medal lid and the cardboard can is enough to send me back to the good ol'days. After opening the can the aroma is like a museum of memories and feelings. The only way to describe the aroma, for me at least, it a biting tobacco smell with just a tad of medal. The taste makes me want to strap on some shoulder pads and smash people, having using Cope before and after practice its no wonder it has that effect. I taste nothing but pure good ol' slight peppered tobacco.

              I can't make Copenhagen a regular thing but I still can see myself buying a can every so often just to take a trip into my past. Thanks to Tom for the peer pressure.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I will probably just quit tobacco someday, but for the time being, I like it. I don't think I'll get mouth cancer, but my gums do concern me.


                • tom502
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8985

                  Oh, and it's the new cans with the lid 1/3 a warning label. I wish there was a loose leaf chew that tasted like this. I know I'm spitting half of my pinch out. I'll get Long Cut next time.


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    I just stuck some more of this in. It really has an excellent taste and smell even, but that cut is really difficult. I am almost half through with this can, but I think only a 1/4 of that kept in my lip. I'm seriously thinking about getting some of the Extra Long Cut, or Long Cut, and mixing the cans, as I find I can really only keep it together right up front, which I'd rather not, but when trying to put it on the side, half of it falls on my shirt, and then it just about all dissolves in my mouth.


                    • WickedKitchen
                      • Nov 2009
                      • 2528

                      Nice recollection Tim. I love when that happens to me.

                      I just tried Cope Whiskey Blend. It's very nice. it's a little more full-bodied than regular cope and certainly has a whiskey taste to it. I'd say it's slightly sweeter too but not a much as a 'straight'. It's a long cut so I was able to play frisbee and dip at the same time which is a big plus.

                      I think Copenhagen is the best US dip. It's certainly the most comfortable, IMO. I've got a can of Smooth Hickory in the ice box now too and I'm sure it'll be opened soon. It'll probably take me another three days or so to finish this can as I'm still snusing, but not daring enough to snus and dip concurrently...and while I'm at it fill my nose with Dholakia White. I think I'd go into a coma.


                      • Jimbob_Rebel
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 169

                        Originally posted by WickedKitchen View Post
                        Nice recollection Tim. I love when that happens to me.

                        I just tried Cope Whiskey Blend. It's very nice. it's a little more full-bodied than regular cope and certainly has a whiskey taste to it. I'd say it's slightly sweeter too but not a much as a 'straight'. It's a long cut so I was able to play frisbee and dip at the same time which is a big plus.

                        I think Copenhagen is the best US dip. It's certainly the most comfortable, IMO. I've got a can of Smooth Hickory in the ice box now too and I'm sure it'll be opened soon. It'll probably take me another three days or so to finish this can as I'm still snusing, but not daring enough to snus and dip concurrently...and while I'm at it fill my nose with Dholakia White. I think I'd go into a coma.
                        Coma? You mean Nicotine Nirvana! LOL! I used to pick up a can of Copenhagen Black once in a while just to change things up a bit, havn't tried the whiskey but I don't like long cut snuff and the grain of the black kindly put me in mind of reg'lar Skoal.I still do quite a bit of Cope, those warning labels are something else. I'm not sure whether to laugh or hang a congressman from a lamp post. Thanx nanny-state.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          I went and visited my father today, he lives in Indiana, and I just wanted to grab a can of the Extra Long Cut and mix it with my open can of Snuff, with the idea that it'll make it more pinchable and packable. Other than Indiana being more expensive, it was $3, been under $2 in KY, I went on and got it, and mixed it up. Gonna have lunch now, but will try it after that.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            I got a tin of Copenhagen today, and I almost feel like was had. I had a $1.50 coupon, and it still cost me $3.50 for 34g :^/

                            The tin looks like crap. It has fine print all over it advertising a giveaway they're promoting. Since I never use it, I had to look hard to make sure the clerk gave me the right thing. The problem with the fine print is no one can see it anyway. AFAIK, tobacco is kept behind the counter everywhere, so no one's reading all the crap they put on the tin. They advertise under the lid, and that's a fine place to put the small print. They need to go back to the old label design. It was spartan, with bold colors that were easy to see. It had a quiet elegance.

                            The snuff? Pretty delicious actually. I took a fairly small pinch by dipper standards, maybe about a gram, and lower lipped it. It's full of leathery goodness, with a moderate salt level. Nicotine seemed about the same as snus, and I only spit a few times before I started swallowing it. The flavor didn't seem to last as long as snus, but I'll confirm that in a little bit. I'm gonna try it snus style with my IceTool, and use it exactly as I would snus. I didn't have any issue controlling the bits. Other than the price, and the ugly tin, I'm fairly pleased with my purchase, and will probably get it again some time.

                            Ok, I'm gonna have to revise my salt estimation upward. It's pretty salty. Also, doing it snus style isn't working well for me. It's making my spit feel thick, and it isn't sitting great on my stomach. If I had a few beers in me, I could see myself puking. I'd either have to use less, or just deal with spiting a few times before I swallow it. I really dislike spitting though...


                            • chibre
                              • Feb 2012
                              • 170

                              Just delicious salty tobacco, one of my favorite tobacco products period. Takes some practice to hold it in place, a bit messy too but worth it.
                              This is a dip you just have to try.


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