SKOAL Flavors

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  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    SKOAL Flavors

    Have you guys tried all the Skoal flavors? Which ones? Are they good, bad, or just alright?

    I am half way through a can of Citrus Blend long cut. I must admit it is very good. I expected to throw it away after a few pinches. What a pleasant surprise. Not too sickly sweet like I expected. Really well balanced flavor.

    I see so many flavors and styles of Skoal. I seem to remember trying peach and berry before and not liking them. Maybe I need to revisit.

    I got a spittoon and have been working on my spit action. I have some Skoal Vanilla I'm going to try tomorrow. If it's half as nice as the citrus I won't sweat so much when the store is out of fresh Copenhagen Long cut.
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    side note.

    What is Skoal Key cut?

    Can anyone get it? I'd like to know what it tastes like. I'd like to get a can for myself.

    Is it premium? Does the name refer to the cut or the flavor or something else?


    • bakerbarber
      • Jun 2008
      • 1947

      Mint (Long Cut,Fine Cut, Pouches)
      Wintergreen (Long Cut, Fine Cut, Pouches)
      Straight (Long Cut, Fine Cut, Pouches)
      Classic (Long Cut)
      Spearmint (Long Cut)
      Cherry (Long Cut, Fine Cut)
      Berry Blend (Long Cut, Pouches)
      Vanilla (Long Cut)
      Peach Blend (Long Cut)
      Apple Blend (Long Cut, Pouches)
      Citrus Blend (Long Cut, Pouches)
      Skoal Edge, a strong Wintergreen (Long Cut)
      Frost, cooling wintergreen. (Long Cut) (discontinued)
      Skoal Dry pouches (Regular, Menthol, Cinnamon). Discontinued in 2008[citation needed].

      NEW Flavors Coming In 2010!
      Watermelon (Long Cut, Pouches)
      Barbecue (Long Cut, Pouches)


      • Badfish74
        • May 2009
        • 1035

        My go tos were Classic and straight.

        Wintergreen I liked.
        Peach blend I liked.
        Apple blend was pretty damn good!
        Spearmint was good at first, but got old before I could finish a can.
        Mint eeehhh so so.
        Cherry no go.
        Berry blend no go.
        Vanilla fairly decent.

        All these were long cut. Never had pouches, and I haven't had the others on your list


        • Lucky Striker
          • May 2009
          • 280

          I like the Apple and Citrus the best. The Berry is also good. Peach is fairly decent. The mint, wintergreen and cherry are sickening.

          The best that they ever made was Skoal Sour Apple. It was only available in pouch form. Later they dropped the Sour Apple and started making regular Apple pouches. Good, but not the same. I believe the Sour Apple was a holdover from when the Skoal Flavors were the Happy Days brand. I'm glad to see they're bringing back Watermelon next year, that too was an old Happy Days flavor. It was the first dip brand I ever tried.


          • desirexe
            • Feb 2008
            • 1170

            Sour apple? Watermelon!?? Hate to sound like an anti, but those are KID flavors! As a matter of fact, they sound so delicious that they make wanna try them. All I can say is good luck to Skoal getting watermelon out next year. I can see the FDA putting up a fight.


            • bakerbarber
              • Jun 2008
              • 1947

              I would like to try the watermelon. BBQ I'm not so sure of.

              I can see the argument that the "flavors" seem childish. Hey adults eat fruit too. There is two sides and in the end I see no reason to say after age 18 no one should enjoy flavored products.

              There is obviously a market for them. They wouldn't continue to produce any of them if not.

              I am a firm believer that more laws are not the answer for most of our societies' problems. The current laws on the books simply need enforced.

              Parents should be involved enough in their kids lives to have a positive influence and guide them into good decisions.

              Anyway, yeah, the SKOAL citrus blend is pretty good. I feel like a turd not trying these flavors before. I never cared for mint or wintergreen and just kind of lumped all flavored chew in the same category. I presumed they would all be sickening sweet. I was wrong.

              I still get nauseous thinking of SKOAl cherry though. I may never try that again. It was the first tobacco product I threw up using.

              It's sad to think these products may disappear someday because of bureaucratic favoritism.


              • Ainkor
                • Sep 2008
                • 1144

                Skoal vanilla isn't too bad. I have occasionally been trying domestic dips just in case I can't get snus at some point in the future.

                I really don't like the spitting side of it. Too bad there are no domestics that are pasteurized instead of fermented other than some really sweet domestic snuses.


                • Skimo
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 204

                  BBQ flavored tobacco.... oh PLEASE let it taste good... I LOVE BBQ!


                  • captncaveman
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 924

                    classic, straight and cherry where my skoal flavors i enjoyed. I dip cherry when hunting, its een a tradition for awhile. I am curious of straight. Its a good flavor but what is it supposed to taste like? what are the spices in this whore? to me straight tastes like rootbeer.

                    I have moved from skoal over to grizzly at the moment. Dippi g the Natural and of course straight. The flavors are almost the same i just prefer the cut of grizzly compared to skoal.


                    • snusjus
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 2674

                      The only dip is ever buy is Skoal Long Cut Straight and Copenhagen Long Cut. In matter of fact, I have a fat pinch of Skoal in my lip right now!

                      Simply put, I don't like my tobacco flavored. Skoal Berry isn't too bad, but the flavor just gets overwhelming half way through the can.


                      • covetousjew
                        • May 2009
                        • 375

                        i am not a big fan of the flavour tobacco bit i must admit the Skoal vanilla is a very nice one that one i like 8)


                        • covetousjew
                          • May 2009
                          • 375

                          Originally posted by covetousjew
                          i am not a big fan of the flavored tobacco bit i must admit the Skoal vanilla is a very nice one that one i like 8)


                          • Snusages
                            • May 2009
                            • 32

                            Re: SKOAL Flavors

                            Actually, I just recently tried out Skoal Citrus (my first American dip). It is maybe a little too sweet, but definitely can deal with it considering how DELICIOUS the flavor is. Smells a bit like Bubblicious gum, tastes like Sprite. Don't spit as much as I would have expected. As for other flavors, I haven't tried anything yet. Problem is, the damn cans are so expensive. I am interested in the Peach and the Apple.

                            I am worried about the FDA though. I really hope they don't stick their hands in smokeless. REALLY HOPE SO! And if they do, flavored smokeless tobacco (in case the feds are reading).


                            • snusjus
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 2674

                              ^Cans of Skoal in Ohio are $3.79! That's pretty cheap compared to elsewhere. How much do you pay?


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