The first lower priced dip I really enjoyed after twenty-five years of dipping Copenhagen. Timber Wolf has a clean yet bold taste, and if it were not for the price could easily be mistaken for a premium moist snuff. Timber Wolf is also very soft of the gums/lip. Does not cause the mouth burn (or heartburn) that some other brands do.
The cans are plastic but very well-made. They seem to seal well and hold in the moisture, keeping the snuff fresh. The only aggravating thing about the cans now are the obscene warning labels that recently have been added to all American moist snuff products.
I prefer the fine cut moist snuffs to the long cut, but the long cuts made by Pinkerton are very good. Timber Wolf fine cut natural is woth the couple of bucks you'll pay to purchase it, so if you want to try a good American moist snuff product, I would highly recommend this!
The cans are plastic but very well-made. They seem to seal well and hold in the moisture, keeping the snuff fresh. The only aggravating thing about the cans now are the obscene warning labels that recently have been added to all American moist snuff products.
I prefer the fine cut moist snuffs to the long cut, but the long cuts made by Pinkerton are very good. Timber Wolf fine cut natural is woth the couple of bucks you'll pay to purchase it, so if you want to try a good American moist snuff product, I would highly recommend this!