New to Dip

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by TheOneandOnly View Post

    EDIT - lsxkillr, why would you recommend Skoal finecut and Cope snuff to a beginner???
    Because they're the most traditional. Given a choice, I'll use the most traditional form of a product first. That didn't happen with snus because I didn't know any better, but Ettan was my first lös since it's the oldest brand.


    • TheOneandOnly
      • Jun 2009
      • 616

      Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
      Because they're the most traditional. Given a choice, I'll use the most traditional form of a product first. That didn't happen with snus because I didn't know any better, but Ettan was my first lös since it's the oldest brand.
      uhh..yeah I know their traditional... but even experienced dippers can't handle the cut of snuff or even finecut. Lets get real here, a newbie to dip needs the longest cut possible to try out at first. He would not even be able to pinch a fine-cut or a snuff..


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        I dunno. I was dipping Skoal when I was 13. I made out ok.


        • TheOneandOnly
          • Jun 2009
          • 616

          Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
          I dunno. I was dipping Skoal when I was 13. I made out ok.

          Thats because like you said, it was the only thing around...


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            The way I see it, for over 150 years fine cut was considered ideal. In all that time nobody found it necessary to change. If it was good then, it's good now AFAIC.


            • bipolarbear1968
              • Mar 2010
              • 1074

              Just had my first can of dip last night. Grizzly LC Straight. It wasn't bad over all, a bit too sweet for my taste though.

              I noticed it had a *slight* mint taste to it, although it was subtle.

              The nicotine did have a mighty punch!


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I think health reactions to certain things is mainly genetic. Some people never have any teeth or gum issues, some do, and many do and have never used dip, or anything. My gums are not bad, but I do have gum concerns. I think dip, or snus even, will affect your teeth and gums negatively way before anyone might get cancer. I think the cancer thing is mainly theoretical, as far as oral tobacco goes. But I do think having a substance ride on your gums can cause wear, and the sugars can effect it too.

                I am also thinking now that snus is the gateway drug to dip. Yep. Notice how this has happened to many people, even me. I think it's not a bad thing, but I do think people start to use snus, they get used to it, they are more open to oral tobacco in general, and curious now to try other forms. Of course this is not the same for those who started with dip.

                For newbies, I'd say get a Long Cut, it's easier, and to me, more pleasurable. Copenhagen Original has a great natural flavor. Kayak Apple is very good. Grizzly, and Copenhagen Straight is good, so is Skoal's. I personally don't like wintergreen.


                • bipolarbear1968
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1074


                  I think another factor is the fact that dip is a lot cheaper than buying snus online. $2.95 a can at your local store even!

                  IMO, dip has more of a "in your face" tobacco flavor.


                  • truthwolf1
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 2696

                    I prefer Offroad Longcut WG over dip because it is much less sweeter and think I get about the same nicotine kick.
                    Ran out and used a can of Grizzly WG this past week and can really tell how much I miss the snus/dip hybrid.

                    Offroad does not have a natural/straight flavor but they have Berry, Apple and Orange coming soon.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      I'd like to try the new Offroad Long cuts, but I dread paying all shipping and added tax, when I can get Kayak for $1.68 a can here locally.


                      • Anthony85
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 52

                        My local tobacconist had some skoal pouches on sale, so I decided to give it a try. The wintergreen isn't bad, though I don't really care for the taste, though it is a little better than Redman. Not sure whether it's because I'm new to dip, but it packs a pretty good punch in my case. A few minutes in, I'm dizzier than hell. I don't really care for getting stoned off of tobacco, and I don't want to build a tolerance, so I doubt I use this very often!


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          Originally posted by Anthony85
                          My local tobacconist had some skoal pouches on sale, so I decided to give it a try. The wintergreen isn't bad, though I don't really care for the taste, though it is a little better than Redman. Not sure whether it's because I'm new to dip, but it packs a pretty good punch in my case. A few minutes in, I'm dizzier than hell. I don't really care for getting stoned off of tobacco, and I don't want to build a tolerance, so I doubt I use this very often!
                          I guess everyone gets dizziness from dipping..

                          Much stronger than snus. I've had quite a large dip of Wintergreen the other day that gave a nasty nausea and dizziness.


                          • Anthony85
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 52

                            Yep, much stronger than just about anything I've been using. And I hear that Skoal is one of the weaker ones. If I had gone with Grizzly, I'd probably be knocked out in the corner, with my underwear inexplicably wrapped around my head, in the fetal position.

                            I don't know how anyone can really enjoy dip compared with snus. The taste alone is pretty bad, much less getting stoned/sick the first few times.


                            • Anthony85
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 52

                              Responding to my own thread is a sign of extreme boredom, insanity, or both. In my case, probably both.

                              I've given dip a few more tries, and I have to say it's not that bad. I've moved away from nasal snuffs and have gone to exclusively using snus and dip. I don't use very much of it... a small dip every two or three days or so. It's a good mood stabilizer that really cuts down on anxiety and stress, but mostly it's just a small enjoyment.

                              What kind of risks are we talking about with a small dip or mini snus every three days? I have no idea. I couldn't imagine very much, but the dire tobacco warnings are firmly ingrained in my mind every time I go for a pinch. Brainwashing or not, it's good for avoiding overuse and addiction. LOL


                              • Jwalker
                                • May 2010
                                • 1067

                                I'd say next to nothing.

