Yea P007 I don't dip a lot. 2-3 a day. A bit more the past 2 b/c I love the Grizzly Mint. I will go heavy today in honor of my new mudjug but I try to stay 2 a day. And I'm switching to lower deck Los on Monday at work. My partner doesn't know I'm dipping in addition to my snus use.
Yea P007 I don't dip a lot. 2-3 a day. A bit more the past 2 b/c I love the Grizzly Mint. I will go heavy today in honor of my new mudjug but I try to stay 2 a day. And I'm switching to lower deck Los on Monday at work. My partner doesn't know I'm dipping in addition to my snus use.
Lol yea I dip at work not at home. Home I snus only. But today he's at work so I'm dipping at home. First thing I did with the mudjug? Dropped it. Marked it up a bit didn't break. I got it for 12.95 on Norterner. Tough little jug!!
Yea P007 I don't dip a lot. 2-3 a day. A bit more the past 2 b/c I love the Grizzly Mint. I will go heavy today in honor of my new mudjug but I try to stay 2 a day. And I'm switching to lower deck Los on Monday at work. My partner doesn't know I'm dipping in addition to my snus use.
Yeah tell him!! It isn't like You live in Romania or something. If he dosen't like you the way you are and encourage you to enjoy the things you like, tell him where the door is and to not let it hit him in the butt as he leaves. That's just bullshit letting somebody else tell you what you can or cannot do. IMHO