swollen glands below chin?

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  • ILoveSnus
    New Member
    • Jun 2011
    • 14

    swollen glands below chin?

    I have a question for current dippers. While you are dipping do you feel the glands below your chin tingle/feel weird?

    I recently quit dip but I noticed that the last dip I had caused my salivary glands at the front of my mouth to feel really weird. It's been three days since my last dip and I still have a swollen sort of feeling in the same spot. Does this go away? If so, after how long? Should I be concerned?
  • Jwalker
    • May 2010
    • 1067

    Yeah I had them swell to the size of a golfball for a while didn't hurt much, didn't go away for a month so I went to the health center they basically said just wait and take tylenol, come back later if it's still swollen I did and week or two later it wasn't as swollen then went down in size.

    Edit: Golfball is a little large they were half that much or so.


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      I get swollen glands when I get sick....never got it from tobacco....that I know of. That usually swell up and begin to hurt about a day or so before the sick really hits me.

      Remember....when in doubt about your health, go to a doctor and get a much better guess than we could give.

      I wanted to make a bj joke here but that would be in bad taste...


      • EricHill78
        • Jun 2010
        • 4253

        It's fiberglass poisoning!


        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          Originally posted by EricHill78
          It's fiberglass poisoning!
          Hopefully its not the big C!



          • ABW
            • May 2011
            • 793

            The glands closest to an infection will usually swell when the inaital immune response has not knocked back something in your body. Those glands run down the neck and can swell from tons of different stuff from mouth sores to gingivitis.. Could even be that the dip has knocked down some of the good bacteria in your mouth and let some of the bad stuff set in.. Prob no big deal but go see your Doc if they don't go down... The doc is the only one qualified to make the call..


            • ILoveSnus
              New Member
              • Jun 2011
              • 14

              Originally posted by ABW View Post
              The glands closest to an infection will usually swell when the inaital immune response has not knocked back something in your body. Those glands run down the neck and can swell from tons of different stuff from mouth sores to gingivitis.. Could even be that the dip has knocked down some of the good bacteria in your mouth and let some of the bad stuff set in.. Prob no big deal but go see your Doc if they don't go down... The doc is the only one qualified to make the call..
              Well there's no doubt I have gingivitis from the five years I've been dipping, and I don't have the best oral hygiene in the world (I don't floss) so that could be it. The weird thing is that it started after I put my last dip in. When I put the dip in, the glands under chin below my tongue jiggled/tingled. It felt really weird, and this was a few days ago. Now they just feel a little sore in the same spot. It seems like my mouth is a lot dryer too, like the bottom glands aren't making any more saliva or something.

              I wonder if the tobacco just aggravated glands that were probably already a little irritated from the gum disease.

              I was recently checked by my ENT for oral/throat cancer, he did not find anything other than a little leukoplakia on my upper lip, and that my throat is a little dry. But nothing dangerous. I'm really hoping all of this goes away and it is not cancer in the glands.


              • Nate5700
                • May 2011
                • 58

                If I had to guess I'd say you first noticed it with dip because dip causes you to salivate. I got sick one time when my one of those glands swelled up and I looked like I had a big chew in the side of my mouth, and I wasn't even a regular tobacco user at the time. Went down after a few days. So I'd say see a doctor if it persists, but don't get worried yet. Probably has nothing to do with dip.


                • ILoveSnus
                  New Member
                  • Jun 2011
                  • 14

                  Originally posted by Nate5700 View Post
                  If I had to guess I'd say you first noticed it with dip because dip causes you to salivate. I got sick one time when my one of those glands swelled up and I looked like I had a big chew in the side of my mouth, and I wasn't even a regular tobacco user at the time. Went down after a few days. So I'd say see a doctor if it persists, but don't get worried yet. Probably has nothing to do with dip.
                  Mine isn't really swollen, it isn't visibly protruding through my skin like a lump or anything, and my doctor felt the glands in my neck and found nothing. It just feels a little weird.

                  My ENT doc diagnosed me with acid reflux so I wonder if that could have anything to do with it. My throat is all tore up from stomach acid


                  • Ansel
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 3696

                    I had swollen glands after smoking cigars for a while. That's what got me onto snus.


                    • ILoveSnus
                      New Member
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 14

                      Well I managed to avoid tobacco products for a few days and the weird feelings in my glands diminished for the most part. However, I don't seem to produce as much saliva.

                      Could my salivary glands be damaged from dip? Or could it be that I was just used to there being more saliva in my mouth when I was a dipper?


                      • ABW
                        • May 2011
                        • 793

                        Originally posted by ILoveSnus
                        Well I managed to avoid tobacco products for a few days and the weird feelings in my glands diminished for the most part. However, I don't seem to produce as much saliva.

                        Could my salivary glands be damaged from dip? Or could it be that I was just used to there being more saliva in my mouth when I was a dipper?

                        I really am not sure and by law I can't give you med advice.. Other people can give it all they want but I can get in trouble for it. I would go to the doctor. It's probably nothing but you should be prudent..

                        Now, that being said if I had a dry mouth I would use something that's very popular in the hospital which is called Biotene. It will moisten your mouth and get those glands Pumping again till you figure out what's causing it. It's about as good as it gets without a script... They have gels and liquids for ya..

                        Now go to the Doc!!


                        • victoryredchevy
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 303

                          When I was dipping, long ago, I used to get swollen sore glands in my neck area off and on. Eventually it would just go away. As for under the chin, I don't know. I'd have it checked out, myself. I've never had the issue in my years of exclusive snusing.


                          • Snusify
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 623

                            Grizzly Long Cut Wintergreen made balls swell so I will continue to dip it
                            Snus and Dip Video Reviews


                            • ILoveSnus
                              New Member
                              • Jun 2011
                              • 14

                              Originally posted by victoryredchevy
                              When I was dipping, long ago, I used to get swollen sore glands in my neck area off and on. Eventually it would just go away. As for under the chin, I don't know. I'd have it checked out, myself. I've never had the issue in my years of exclusive snusing.
                              Well the good news is, I sort of stumbled into the answer as for why my neck was irritated. It was basically just an "ingrown" zit. I've always had a lot of acne as a young guy, and I'm only 21 so I'm not surprised I still have some occasionally. So I rubbed some Proactive down there for a few days and the soreness went away.

                              I was checked out by my ENT, other than some minor leukoplakia on my upper lip there was nothing he could find. He said my dry throat with "lump sensation" was due to acid reflux and wrote me a prescription for Prilosec. I drank a ton of coffee and soda all the time, so after modifying my diet and taking some Tums after eating my throat is definitely showing some improvement.

                              I think my problem is mainly just "dipper paranoia". When I dipped, every time I have even the most harmless change such as a simple canker sore I would freak out about it, which is why I will not return to dip.

                              Don't get me wrong, I used tobacco for a long time and probably always will be addicted, so I just have an occasional snus to battle the cravings. Snus has brought me much peace of mind when I learned it has been proven through decades of stringent research to not cause cancer.


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