FDA shuts down Timber Wolf snuff rewards

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  • NonServiam
    • May 2010
    • 736

    FDA shuts down Timber Wolf snuff rewards

    You know, since I went back to dip after PACT, I haven't posted in a long time around here, but I do still lurk around checking out threads of interest.

    Since I went back to dip, I've been using Timber Wolf Fine Cut Natural regularly. They had a pretty cool rewards program going. Under each lid was a code to enter at Timberwolfsnuff.com which earned you 25 cents back per can. Doesn't sound like much, but they really added up.

    I am currently up to nearly $60.00 which at the end of the year they would have mailed me a check to cash.

    I recently received an e-mail from Timber Wolf, which if you didn't know is a subsidiary of Swedish Match, and their dip has the lowest TSNA on the market (7 ppm).

    The e-mail stated that the FDA had deemed their rewards program illegal under the Tobacco Control Act, and the program was suspended! Luckily, they stated they will still mail me a check for whatever amount of money I had earned up to this date.

    Thank you for allowing me to vent my anger in this forum which may help to alleviate any future violent tendencies! lol

    Once again, the tobacco Nazis seek to oppress and stick their hypocritical noses into my business (bid-ness here in the South). See below:

    ******************************************************* **************************************************

    Dear Loyal Timber Wolf User,

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has notified us that it believes the Timber Wolf®
    "No Nonsense Rewards" program is not permissible under the Tobacco Control Act and associated FDA regulations. While we do not agree with their decision, we have to temporarily shut down TimberWolfSnuff.com while we work with the FDA to resolve this matter.

    Please be assured all codes that have been redeemed to date will be honored, and you will receive your check. We anticipate your check to arrive at your household during the January-February 2012 time frame.

    Timber Wolf values your patronage, and rest assured we are doing everything we can to get our site back online as soon as possible.

    In the event you have additional codes to redeem, we ask that you hold onto these codes. We will provide you with an update as soon as possible regarding those codes.


    Pinkerton Tobacco, makers of Timber Wolf

    TimberWolfSnuff.com is a website of Pinkerton Tobacco Co. LP, which manufactures Timber Wolf Moist Snuff, a smokeless dip tobacco product. Pinkerton Tobacco, Co. LP, also manufactures Longhorn Moist Snuff and Red Man Moist Snuff. Pinkerton Tobacco Co. LP, only markets its tobacco products to tobacco consumers who are 19 years of age or older. In order to be eligible to receive mailings from us, you must certify that you are a tobacco consumer who is 19 years of age or older and want to receive information and promotions concerning our products. See our Privacy Policy for complete details.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Tsk tsk. The FDA is trying to protect you from having excess money, and instead of appreciation, you complain here on the forum. Are you some kind of communist?


    • NonServiam
      • May 2010
      • 736

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      Tsk tsk. The FDA is trying to protect you from having excess money, and instead of appreciation, you complain here on the forum. Are you some kind of communist?

      (sarcasm alert)


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        Yet the drug companies can push their pills on TV and offer incentives like a free trial for you to try their products. I would love to see the FDA get picked apart.


        • victoryredchevy
          • Jan 2008
          • 303

          Damn, this government sure does have it's priorities in line.


          • EricHill78
            • Jun 2010
            • 4253

            I'm sick of the govt doing crap like this.

            One thing though Timberwolf could do is just lower the price 25 cents, wouldn't that be the same thing in the long run? The rewards seems kind of like a program where you lend Timberwolf money that you do get back at the end of the year with no interest.


            • kevs
              • Mar 2011
              • 875

              He who pays gets to choose the music. Why we need more healthier way to consume tobacco, while current ways damage us more and brings good profit for drug companies


              • Slidingblues
                • Sep 2011
                • 316

                Originally posted by EricHill78

                One thing though Timberwolf could do is just lower the price 25 cents, wouldn't that be the same thing in the long run? The rewards seems kind of like a program where you lend Timberwolf money that you do get back at the end of the year with no interest.
                Yep - It's like loyalty cards for grocery stores. Just give me your best price. I'm in your store! Isn't that loyal enough?????


                • NonServiam
                  • May 2010
                  • 736

                  Originally posted by EricHill78
                  One thing though Timberwolf could do is just lower the price 25 cents, wouldn't that be the same thing in the long run? The rewards seems kind of like a program where you lend Timberwolf money that you do get back at the end of the year with no interest.
                  It would! But you know, the whole American marketing thing. It's all an illusion to make consumers feel like they are coming out ahead. However, when I buy my dip at the smoke shop, they offer volume discounts. I'm also a regular customer, so they dig around the place for coupons and shit like that to give me even more of a discount. So the extra 25 cents back per can is even more money in my pocket.

                  I'm just glad it took the FDA nearly a year to catch on to their gig. Otherwise, I wouldn't have anywhere near a $50.00 check!


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    I would just like to get a good price to begin with. I bought a tin of General Los at The Humidor on Saturday and it cost me $7.58. I go there for a tin about every 2 or 3 months because I feel like a sucker for paying that. To me, it is the equivalent of buying batteries at 7-11. If they kept it to say $5 or less, I would go there several times a week.


                    • NonServiam
                      • May 2010
                      • 736

                      Originally posted by govegan
                      yet the drug companies can push their pills on tv and offer incentives like a free trial for you to try their products. I would love to see the fda get picked apart.
                      agree +1


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        Originally posted by GoVegan
                        Yet the drug companies can push their pills on TV and offer incentives like a free trial for you to try their products. I would love to see the FDA get picked apart.
                        That's right and one thing is is that a lot of those medications are far more dangerous than oral tobacco.

                        Side effects may include suicidal thought and actions, heart attack, respiratory failure. All for a medicine to help you sleep? Come on..


                        • GoVegan
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 5603

                          Originally posted by EricHill78
                          That's right and one thing is is that a lot of those medications are far more dangerous than oral tobacco.

                          Side effects may include suicidal thought and actions, heart attack, respiratory failure. All for a medicine to help you sleep? Come on..
                          At least we found a cure for restless legs syndrome! I am beginning to think that the FDA's primary job is to protect overpriced drug dealers from competition.


                          • sirloot
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 2607

                            just watch Scarface .. the Govt's in on all kinda shady business... tru story bro


                            • Bigblue1
                              Banned Users
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 3923

                              It's funny, I redeem points for coca cola all day long. I don't even drink but maybe a coke a week but a lot of people I know do and they save the points for me. The point being coca cola probably cause 10X the health problems smokeless does but it's A OK and consumer rewards aren't ok for another legal product. It's crazy I tell ya.........


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