I e-mailed Swedish Match about a year ago inquiring about current TSNA levels of Timberwolf, Redman, and Longhorn moist snuff, which is made by their sister company Pinkerton tobacco. I never received a response.
Last night, I e-mailed Pinkerton tobacco directly, and received a response today! The last test showed that their products had 7 ppm TSNA, which remained unchanged with shelf life. Now, they've got it down to 5 ppm! That's damn near at the snus level of 2 ppm.I know there is more to the x+y=Cancer equation than just the TSNA's, but they do play a major role. Plays a major role for me when it comes to my choice in American moist snuff.
The e-mail correspondence was as follows:
I have been a user of TimberWolf for years now. For a short time, I switched to General brand snus, manufactured by your parent company Swedish Match.
I made this switch because of the lower TSNA (tobacco specific nitrosamine) count (cancer causing agents).
Swedish Match snus rates at approximately 2 ppm.
With what available research/studies I have found, it appears that TimberWolf averages at approximately 7 ppm and remains unchanged despite shelf life. A huge difference compared to other American moist snuff brands which can rate as high as 127 ppm!
Since the PACT Act took effect, I could no longer justify ordering snus from Sweden due to the imposed Government taxes and ridiculous shipping rates.
That said, I switched back to TimberWolf which is made by Pinkerton a subsidiary of Swedish Match (as I'm sure you already know).
I am aware that Pinkerton also manufactures Red Man and Long Horn moist snuff.
I can't find any TSNA studies on Longhorn, nor Red Man. Could you please tell me if Longhorn or Red Man possesses the same low TSNA count as TimberWolf.
I messaged Swedish Match some time ago, but never received a reply. I hope to receive a reply from you, even if it is simply "I'm sorry, I really can't answer that question."
Also, this question might be easier for you to answer. Red Man and TimberWolf are both comparable in price, if not identical.
However, Longhorn has a very tempting lower price. What results in Longhorn having this lower price? Is the Longhorn snuff derived from a less premium/desirable part of the tobacco leaf? Or is Longhorn the tobacco that is swept off the floors of the TimberWolf line? Just kidding!
I would very much appreciate your reply,
A long time TimberWolf customer!
P.S. Thank you for the coupons!
All three of our moist snuff have a 5 ppm on a wet basis of TSNA's. So in that regard, you are even across the board with any of our products. The difference in price for Longhorn is based on different ingredients and Marketing decisions not on lower quality tobacco.
And as for your love of General snus, we are increasing the number of US retailers that carry the product. You can check www.generalsnus.com the WHERE TO BUY and see if there are any local retail outlets.
Thank you
Last night, I e-mailed Pinkerton tobacco directly, and received a response today! The last test showed that their products had 7 ppm TSNA, which remained unchanged with shelf life. Now, they've got it down to 5 ppm! That's damn near at the snus level of 2 ppm.I know there is more to the x+y=Cancer equation than just the TSNA's, but they do play a major role. Plays a major role for me when it comes to my choice in American moist snuff.
The e-mail correspondence was as follows:
I have been a user of TimberWolf for years now. For a short time, I switched to General brand snus, manufactured by your parent company Swedish Match.
I made this switch because of the lower TSNA (tobacco specific nitrosamine) count (cancer causing agents).
Swedish Match snus rates at approximately 2 ppm.
With what available research/studies I have found, it appears that TimberWolf averages at approximately 7 ppm and remains unchanged despite shelf life. A huge difference compared to other American moist snuff brands which can rate as high as 127 ppm!
Since the PACT Act took effect, I could no longer justify ordering snus from Sweden due to the imposed Government taxes and ridiculous shipping rates.
That said, I switched back to TimberWolf which is made by Pinkerton a subsidiary of Swedish Match (as I'm sure you already know).
I am aware that Pinkerton also manufactures Red Man and Long Horn moist snuff.
I can't find any TSNA studies on Longhorn, nor Red Man. Could you please tell me if Longhorn or Red Man possesses the same low TSNA count as TimberWolf.
I messaged Swedish Match some time ago, but never received a reply. I hope to receive a reply from you, even if it is simply "I'm sorry, I really can't answer that question."
Also, this question might be easier for you to answer. Red Man and TimberWolf are both comparable in price, if not identical.
However, Longhorn has a very tempting lower price. What results in Longhorn having this lower price? Is the Longhorn snuff derived from a less premium/desirable part of the tobacco leaf? Or is Longhorn the tobacco that is swept off the floors of the TimberWolf line? Just kidding!
I would very much appreciate your reply,
A long time TimberWolf customer!
P.S. Thank you for the coupons!
All three of our moist snuff have a 5 ppm on a wet basis of TSNA's. So in that regard, you are even across the board with any of our products. The difference in price for Longhorn is based on different ingredients and Marketing decisions not on lower quality tobacco.
And as for your love of General snus, we are increasing the number of US retailers that carry the product. You can check www.generalsnus.com the WHERE TO BUY and see if there are any local retail outlets.
Thank you