A couple of months ago I was visiting my brother who is living in the UAE these last couple of years. I was going to stay for almost 2 months and without thinking about it, I only brought 5 cans of snus from Sweden. So one day, I wake up, realize I screwed up - and the waiting for insanity (also known as nicotine craving) began. So my brother took me to a tobacconist to set me straight, I realized they had a bunch of cans behind the counter.
Sweet baby of Jerusalem, could it be.....snus? Wait, what is this?
Copenhagen, Skoal, Timberwolf...what the hell is this stuff?
So I bought a couple cans of Copenhagen and Skoal and did some research on dip. I realized this was the type of oral tobacco that I wished to try in my teens (thanks Clint Eastwood) and never found any in Sweden.
After I came home, I occasionally ordered dip from the states to get some variety from my snus habit. And here's my short review of the kinds I tried:
Copenhagen Long Cut
At first I tried baking this stuff to hell and back with no success (except pressing the juice out of it). After some research I pinched and went to town on my virgin lower lip. It burned like ancient Athens, but then the taste came through - this stuff is pretty good. A very small but barely noticeable chemical taste, but other than that it tasted like slightly bitter BBQ to me.
Copenhagen Wintergreen
Absolutely wonderful. I rarely use anything other than pure tobacco flavored stuff, this is an exception.
Skoal Straight
I have a sweet tooth but barely eat sugar because I compete in martial arts, so this stuff was like heaven to me. If you overuse, you will get tired of it quick so use it sparely. It tastes like cotton candy and tobacco.
Skoal Cherry
Smells actually like cherries, very sweet, very fruity. If you like fruit flavored dip you will love this stuff.
Skoal Apple
I can't handle apple flavored stuff (except apple pie) so this stuff made me gag. Does smell/taste like apple though.
Longhorn Long Cut
Cheap, but horrible. I didn't like this stuff at all, minimal flavor that wore off quick. I never cheap out on my oral tobacco, that is one luxury in my life that i'll gladly pay for.
Copenhagen Extra Long Cut
I love this stuff. I am favored towards tobacco flavored dip and snus, so this stuff was a godsend for me. Rich, full flavor, easy to pack and place. I suggest keeping a fire alarm nearby because this stuff BURNS.
Cope Smooth Hickory
Disappointed with this stuff frankly. I can't taste any hickory, very light taste, not much more to it. It's pretty much like watered down regular long cut.
I hope you enjoyed my quick reviews.
Chip chip cheerio
Sweet baby of Jerusalem, could it be.....snus? Wait, what is this?
Copenhagen, Skoal, Timberwolf...what the hell is this stuff?
So I bought a couple cans of Copenhagen and Skoal and did some research on dip. I realized this was the type of oral tobacco that I wished to try in my teens (thanks Clint Eastwood) and never found any in Sweden.
After I came home, I occasionally ordered dip from the states to get some variety from my snus habit. And here's my short review of the kinds I tried:
Copenhagen Long Cut
At first I tried baking this stuff to hell and back with no success (except pressing the juice out of it). After some research I pinched and went to town on my virgin lower lip. It burned like ancient Athens, but then the taste came through - this stuff is pretty good. A very small but barely noticeable chemical taste, but other than that it tasted like slightly bitter BBQ to me.
Copenhagen Wintergreen
Absolutely wonderful. I rarely use anything other than pure tobacco flavored stuff, this is an exception.
Skoal Straight
I have a sweet tooth but barely eat sugar because I compete in martial arts, so this stuff was like heaven to me. If you overuse, you will get tired of it quick so use it sparely. It tastes like cotton candy and tobacco.
Skoal Cherry
Smells actually like cherries, very sweet, very fruity. If you like fruit flavored dip you will love this stuff.
Skoal Apple
I can't handle apple flavored stuff (except apple pie) so this stuff made me gag. Does smell/taste like apple though.
Longhorn Long Cut
Cheap, but horrible. I didn't like this stuff at all, minimal flavor that wore off quick. I never cheap out on my oral tobacco, that is one luxury in my life that i'll gladly pay for.
Copenhagen Extra Long Cut
I love this stuff. I am favored towards tobacco flavored dip and snus, so this stuff was a godsend for me. Rich, full flavor, easy to pack and place. I suggest keeping a fire alarm nearby because this stuff BURNS.
Cope Smooth Hickory
Disappointed with this stuff frankly. I can't taste any hickory, very light taste, not much more to it. It's pretty much like watered down regular long cut.
I hope you enjoyed my quick reviews.
Chip chip cheerio