copenhagen fine cut

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  • dquinn104
    • May 2014
    • 135

    Originally posted by mattzq8sonoma View Post
    It's the pinnacle of what other snuff companies try to recreate. What most people don't know is that the tobacco it is not cut, but milled, just like snus. Except the particle size is a little bit bigger than snus. Snus is like a super fine powder when the tobacco is still dry. Copenhagen is a little bit bigger than that. Which is why it's hard to keep packed for an amateur, much like Los.

    Copenhagen Snuff and Long Cut are basically the same thing, minus the tobacco size. The Long Cut has a little more vibrant ammonia smell upon opening the can. Both are crazy salty, but just regular sodium chloride. The top flavor is a mix of natural and artificial rose flavors/extracts. Moisture levels are actually HIGHER than most snus. Their target moisture level, i believe is 60% moisture, but because of the poor sealing ability of a wax-lined cardboard can and metal lid, the moisture drops pretty quickly, which is why when you open the can there are very deep fissures. When you get even an old can of Copenhagen, it will still be 56+% moisture. Usually they are 57-58% when we test them. Most los snus moisture levels are 53% to 56% when they are right off the packing lines.

    The tobacco used to make Copenhagen is aged for about 4 years prior to being fermented and flavored and put in the can. Most other companies don't have the ability to age quite that long, which is one of the reasons why nothing else tastes exactly like Copenhagen, or really even that close to Copenhagen. But there is a price to aging...more nitrosamines and mycotoxins due to microbial activity.

    Copenhagen Straight (and every other "Straight") is flavored with a much different top flavor called Ethyl Salicylate, which, chemically speaking, is a very close cousin to methyl salicylate (aka Wintergreen). Most people either love it or hate it, with not much in between. Straights are always sweetened, whereas Naturals like Copenhagen and Cope Long Cut, are not.
    Ahh...I assume thats why there is a pretty big price difference between cope snuff/longcut and there other varieties. The flavored ones aren't aged a long as the naturals?


    • mattzq8sonoma
      • Sep 2014
      • 104

      Originally posted by dquinn104 View Post
      Ahh...I assume thats why there is a pretty big price difference between cope snuff/longcut and there other varieties. The flavored ones aren't aged a long as the naturals?
      The flavored stuff is probably aged about the same amount of time as the snuff/long cut, but I don't know that for fact. The snuff and long cut are about 40% of the entire moist snuff market, so they can pretty much sell it for whatever they want to because people love it. The flavored stuff falls into a more competitive area, so the price is lower, more in line with other companies.


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