Got any flavor suggestions?

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  • BriffDeloso
    New Member
    • Mar 2012
    • 7

    Got any flavor suggestions?

    I consider myself a tobacco enthusiast, as I have been smoking cigarettes for around 4 years. I recently discovered the wonderful world of dip. Regardless of the brand I prefer straight and flavors of the like (Grizzly 1900, Cope Black, etc.) because I like the taste of tobacco, not altoids (mint) or colgate plus (wintergreen). The main reason I dip is due to my increasing lack of interest in cigarettes, as the journey of finding the best smoke is more rewarding than the destination, this being Lucky Strikes followed closely by Drum. This being said, here's the obscure opinions and senseless ramblings of a fellow tobacco connoisseur like yourself:

    The following refers to straight flavored dip only:

    -great initial taste
    -decent flavor duration
    -juices are as black as dark coffee
    -long cut is fine cut
    -fine cut is sand
    -comparatively hard to pack
    -comparatively expensive

    -forgettable flavor
    -decent flavor duration
    -excellent consistency
    -shreds your lip like no other
    -good price

    -has a flavor with some body to it
    -long flavor duration
    -decent consistency
    -funny one liners on the side (don't let the canadians win brother)
    -my favorite pouches
    -fair price

    Marlboro Snus
    I can't dignify this ass dirt with a review.

    Kodiak (Wintergreen):
    -a very dynamic flavor. It has a hint of galvanized steel with an overall flavor of ass hairs sprayed with bleach.
    -long flavor duration
    -thick consistency
    -this shit is nasty

    Those are the majority of snus brands I've bought. I'm already getting a little bored of my go to flavors, and I am a man who needs variety.

    So now I ask for advice from the experienced: What brands/flavors should I try? I don't want to be missing out on my would-be favorite.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    You're on your own with dip, though Gold River sounds like something I'd want to try. It's been described as leaf chew with a dip cut. For snus, I like Pioneer, Ettan, Grov, and Röda Lacket.


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      You're on your own with dip, though Gold River sounds like something I'd want to try. It's been described as leaf chew with a dip cut. For snus, I like Pioneer, Ettan, Grov, and Röda Lacket.
      golden river is simply a dessert -

      mimics the exact taste of raw wallnuts and raisins ;-)

      My favorite dips are Grizzly, Skoal and Copenhagen (I just don't like the straight flavor though)


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        forgot to mention Skruf :^)
        you gottal love the rose oil


        • BriffDeloso
          New Member
          • Mar 2012
          • 7

          Thanks for replies. I think Im gonna try some of that golden river it sounds delicious.


          • Roo
            • Jun 2008
            • 3446

            Oh I was referring to the OP, and I'm not being a dick, just genuinely curious if there is not a better forum for dip. I suppose we do have a dip subforum and I'm the dumbass, but signing up here to seek dip recommendations from a group of snusers, 95% of whom probably don't dip much if at all, is a bit like going onto a pipe forum and asking what kind of cigs I should buy. Or going onto a gay man forum and asking about vaginal stimulation.

            Actually after reading the OP again I am more confused:

            I recently discovered the wonderful world of snus. Regardless of the brand I prefer straight and flavors of the like (Grizzly 1900, Cope Black, etc.)
            The following refers to straight flavored snus only: Copenhagen ... Grizzly... Skoal ... etc
            Are you aware of Swedish snus? Or you are aware and you are asking for Swedish snus recommendations because you want to try Swedish snus? Or are you calling it all snus but wanting dip recommendations as it would seem? Confused!


            • jagmanss
              • Jul 2010
              • 12213

              Dipson coming soon to a forum near you... Wait for it... wait.. keep waiting, Still waiting, No it really is coming.... The revival of cigs are making a come back too.... damnit I tell ya it's true...

              I really thought cigs, Dip and snus were all the same... No wait!

              I can't think under these circumcisions


              • Snusdog
                • Jun 2008
                • 6752

                Originally posted by Roo
                Actually after reading the OP again I am more confused:

                Are you aware of Swedish snus? Or you are aware and you are asking for Swedish snus recommendations because you want to try Swedish snus? Or are you calling it all snus but wanting dip recommendations as it would seem? Confused!
                Yea I got the impression that there was a bit of confusion as well............ and that dip and snus were all kind of getting lumped together as being the same thing

                First BriffD.............welcome to the forum mate.................glad to have you on board.

                I dipped for over 25 years and now I use snus exclusively. On the surface the two products seem to be pretty much the same but they are in fact very different.

                First snus is pasteurized while dip is fire cured. Why this is important is because anytime you manipulate tobacco leaf with fire/heat you release more carcinogens (the cancer causing agents).

                Snus is regulated as a food product and must comply with Swedish food grade standards for purity. This means that it is safe to swallow snus juice while it is not recommended that one swallow dip. Thus there is no need to spit with snus

                There are other factors and other aspects of dip and its production that are just not part of snus. prolonged use of dip will rip the hell out of your gums (dip lip). Snus does not

                A lot of the interest that you will find on this forum in dip is by Europeans who have tried it and use it occasionally with snus for a change of pace..............On the other hand..............the Americans who used dip exclusively over an extended period of time are pretty vocal and passionate opponents of it. I fall under this last group.

                Now do I think if you take a dip of Cope or Skoal, or any other American moist Tobacco product that your lip is going to fall off and your head

                It is with constant long term use where you will begin to see the problem.

                Further, snus is just a superior product as far as tobacco goes. The quality of leaf used, the purity standards maintained throughout the production, and the lack of over the top flavoring makes snus the equivalent of a cup of coffee from a fine roasting house...........verses a cup of Maxwell house.............or a 1972 Burgundy..............verses a boxed wine.

                Anyway, I would recommend that you give Swedish snus a try (not the American Tobacco knockoffs) and see what you think...............I assure you that in the long run you will be glad that you did.

                In the meantime............take a look at the Dipper's Guide to might find it of some interest. Here is the link

                Regardless keep us posted and let us know what you find.
                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                • Darwin
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1372

                  People people we here are the few, the proud, etc. etc. when it comes to snus, the connoisseurs of the real deal you might say. In the minds of virtually all of the general public however real snus is scarcely even a tiny buzzing gnat in their overall view of the world of tobacco. Therefore conflating snus with the rest of the smokeless product crowd is quite common as I have found out in my local missionary efforts on behalf of the one true god of snus. So snus is unfortunately tarred by the same perjorative, if mistaken,cultural memes embedded in the brainpans of the majority of the public. Pushing snus up the hill of public acceptance is an endeavor that would make Sisyphus yearn for his huge rock.


                  • CowWhisperer
                    • Mar 2012
                    • 29

                    Originally posted by Roo
                    Oh I was referring to the OP, and I'm not being a dick, just genuinely curious if there is not a better forum for dip. I suppose we do have a dip subforum and I'm the dumbass, but signing up here to seek dip recommendations from a group of snusers, 95% of whom probably don't dip much if at all, is a bit like going onto a pipe forum and asking what kind of cigs I should buy. Or going onto a gay man forum and asking about vaginal stimulation.
                    Regarding the comments about people posting/asking about dip here...the sites that were great forums for dip-only are now long gone..I believe there is one still going but it's turned into more of a Facebook for dipping sorta site, and less to do with an honest true forum for people wanting to get information or ideas, opinions, and the like. I know this is 98% snus-related on here, but we dippers don't really have a reputable site to utilize as of right now, thus, here we are lol. Many dippers on here are also interested in snus or are snus users as well, like myself...I dip Cope Black and Snuff, but I do like my Skruf too


                    • Roo
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 3446

                      Originally posted by CowWhisperer
                      Regarding the comments about people posting/asking about dip here...the sites that were great forums for dip-only are now long gone..I believe there is one still going but it's turned into more of a Facebook for dipping sorta site, and less to do with an honest true forum for people wanting to get information or ideas, opinions, and the like. I know this is 98% snus-related on here, but we dippers don't really have a reputable site to utilize as of right now, thus, here we are lol. Many dippers on here are also interested in snus or are snus users as well, like myself...I dip Cope Black and Snuff, but I do like my Skruf too
                      Fair enough CowWhisperer, that was exactly the response I was wondering if I would get. I wonder why there aren't any decent dip forums? Actually, I don't wonder why at all. In my own insignificant but personal experience, the only time in my life I was excited about having a dip, I was 13. And I don't mean to say it's a juvenile endeavor, by that I mean if the internet had existed back then, my friends and I could have very well ruined a forum by being 13 years old. Very well then, welcome to snuson, and same to you BriffDeloso.


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Originally posted by CowWhisperer
                        Regarding the comments about people posting/asking about dip here...the sites that were great forums for dip-only are now long gone..I believe there is one still going but it's turned into more of a Facebook for dipping sorta site, and less to do with an honest true forum for people wanting to get information or ideas, opinions, and the like. I know this is 98% snus-related on here, but we dippers don't really have a reputable site to utilize as of right now, thus, here we are lol. Many dippers on here are also interested in snus or are snus users as well, like myself...I dip Cope Black and Snuff, but I do like my Skruf too
                        First of that is some tiny print there bro

                        I think you will find the forum pretty open to dip related discussions. At the same time you will also find a kind of arm’s length attitude from many regarding dip.

                        Many of us left dip for snus and are passionate about the advantages of snus (advantages that we see as being pretty significant)

                        Also, like you said............we are well aware of what happened to many of the dip forums and why they shut down (imploded) and are unwilling to repeat that to any degree here

                        Finally, like Darwin posted above.............a big obstacle to snus is its association with dip..............therefore it is important to us on many levels to keep the two distinct.

                        Now that said............we have a dip section on the forum..........our dippers are welcome to have at it and talk till the cows come home ……………………my point was only to point out why you will sometimes get a bit of pushback from some of the members here over the subject of note..................that that is some tiny print bro
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9759

                          post of the freaking year. congrats darwin


                          Originally posted by darwin
                          people people we here are the few, the proud, etc. Etc. When it comes to snus, the connoisseurs of the real deal you might say. In the minds of virtually all of the general public however real snus is scarcely even a tiny buzzing gnat in their overall view of the world of tobacco. Therefore conflating snus with the rest of the smokeless product crowd is quite common as i have found out in my local missionary efforts on behalf of the one true god of snus. So snus is unfortunately tarred by the same perjorative, if mistaken,cultural memes embedded in the brainpans of the majority of the public. Pushing snus up the hill of public acceptance is an endeavor that would make sisyphus yearn for his huge rock.
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • CowWhisperer
                            • Mar 2012
                            • 29

                            Originally posted by Snusdog
                            First of that is some tiny print there bro

                            I think you will find the forum pretty open to dip related discussions. At the same time you will also find a kind of arm’s length attitude from many regarding dip.

                            Many of us left dip for snus and are passionate about the advantages of snus (advantages that we see as being pretty significant)

                            Also, like you said............we are well aware of what happened to many of the dip forums and why they shut down (imploded) and are unwilling to repeat that to any degree here

                            Finally, like Darwin posted above.............a big obstacle to snus is its association with dip..............therefore it is important to us on many levels to keep the two distinct.

                            Now that said............we have a dip section on the forum..........our dippers are welcome to have at it and talk till the cows come home ……………………my point was only to point out why you will sometimes get a bit of pushback from some of the members here over the subject of note..................that that is some tiny print bro
                            Hahah yeah I didn't do it on purpose, I'm not sure what happened there exactly, but I get what you're saying totally. Difference I see is that dip is so common and you either do or you don't, and there's really not a whole lot to talk about regarding it besides the usual health-related questions about TSNA's, dental issues, etc., while Snus (real snus) has quite a following and a different sophistication about it, like the difference of just packing in any ole' tobacco in a corn cob pipe vs. discussing the pros and cons of different woods in pipes and brands of high-quality pipe tobacco, and that's what got me interested in it in the first place. I am personally against all the Americanization of snus now, such as Skoal and ESPECIALLY Marlborough's pathetic attempt...I got a free sample pack of that and threw it all away after one try. Before PACT I ordered all different kinds of real Snus from Northerner, and it took some getting used to, but I did like it a lot (I prefer the Skruf white pouches).

                            Anyways, from time to time I'll have a question regarding a flavor or brand or what not of dip, and hopefully someone can answer on here when I post one, but by no means do I expect this forum to absolutely cater to dip users. I think the Subforums for dip and chew and all that are a great idea to appease the dippers on here, while keeping the site mostly dedicated to true snus, which is great because I'd like to learn even more about it and hopefully get another order in soon!


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              Originally posted by CowWhisperer
                              Hahah yeah I didn't do it on purpose, I'm not sure what happened there exactly, but I get what you're saying totally. Difference I see is that dip is so common and you either do or you don't, and there's really not a whole lot to talk about regarding it besides the usual health-related questions about TSNA's, dental issues, etc., while Snus (real snus) has quite a following and a different sophistication about it, like the difference of just packing in any ole' tobacco in a corn cob pipe vs. discussing the pros and cons of different woods in pipes and brands of high-quality pipe tobacco, and that's what got me interested in it in the first place. I am personally against all the Americanization of snus now, such as Skoal and ESPECIALLY Marlborough's pathetic attempt...I got a free sample pack of that and threw it all away after one try. Before PACT I ordered all different kinds of real Snus from Northerner, and it took some getting used to, but I did like it a lot (I prefer the Skruf white pouches).

                              Anyways, from time to time I'll have a question regarding a flavor or brand or what not of dip, and hopefully someone can answer on here when I post one, but by no means do I expect this forum to absolutely cater to dip users. I think the Subforums for dip and chew and all that are a great idea to appease the dippers on here, while keeping the site mostly dedicated to true snus, which is great because I'd like to learn even more about it and hopefully get another order in soon!
                              Very well put.......great post!

                              Oh................and I think I failed to say...........welcome to the forum bro!!
                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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