Used to dip every day, switch to snus 3 years ago, still dip every few months, and on monday I got my usual Skoal apple in peach along with Copenhagen straight all in long cut. I was a habitual swallower and still do it out of habit, never once bothered me and didn't yesterday when I swallowed a whole mouthful Skoal juice a few times not even thinking. I went through the apple, half the peach, and 3 or 4 Cope packs; I didn't first start liking cope until the week before I found snus so I've only had maybe 2 or 3 cans but I liked it at the time. This ain't my first Copenhagen rodeo and nothing I haven't done before, there's definitely no way this is nicotine related, I have never had a problem with doing a Skruff ES los horseshoe the size of my thumb so clearly a pinch of dip close to my thumbnail isn't an issue unless Copenhagen has something like 50mg of nicotine.
This morning I loaded what be a pretty normal pack, same size or smaller than the Skoal yesterday. As I was walking (probably swallowed without even realizing) to get a bottle. Before I could get to the recycling bin I had a huge hot flash and instantly whole forehead was covered in sweat, my bottle bin is less than 6 feet from my Copenhagen! I stood there and in less than 2 minutes an wave of nausea hit me like a freight train, it hit so hard and quick it knocked me right to floor! I literally crawled to the bin for a bottle to spit it out the bolted to the bathroom because my stomach felt like it was about to VIOLENTLY send my breakfast back. 10 minutes on the bathroom floor and it started to subside, the sweating and hot flash went away as well. I had zero nicotine buzz, I was already in the bathroom less than 5 minutes after I put it in so it's got to be something in there.
I swallowed some Cope juice 2 days ago and was fine. It was obvious something in that dip was not supposed to be in me. Now 5 months ago I quit drinking after I got out of rehab, for several years my daily consumption was anywhere from a fifth to as much as a half gallon (usually "unlabeled liquor" if you catch my drift). By now my stomach is about as cast iron as it gets (and I know a bit about nausea haha) so when swallowing dip juice knocks me to the floor there's something clearly wrong. This morning I was sort of in shock but as I thought about it I realized I actually know what happened quite well: alcohol is a toxic chemical and the human body can detect when the levels are potentially dangerous and it will automatically attempt to remove as much of that toxin as possible as a safety measure, also known as puking when you drink too much. That meant that there was some ingredient in the Copenhagen juice that clearly caused this. Some chemical hit my stomach and immediately that safety mechanism kicked in and as it was filtering this junk out my stomach was about to send the rest back where it came from. Even alcohol usually takes at least 10 minutes after your last drink before your body kicks it back and out so something capable of causing such an intense filtering effort almost immediately after it's detected means it's really not supposed to be there!
This has really got me wondering what in the hell is in that dip that is so toxic that it got removed so quickly and violently? I'm thinking I might trash that can...
This morning I loaded what be a pretty normal pack, same size or smaller than the Skoal yesterday. As I was walking (probably swallowed without even realizing) to get a bottle. Before I could get to the recycling bin I had a huge hot flash and instantly whole forehead was covered in sweat, my bottle bin is less than 6 feet from my Copenhagen! I stood there and in less than 2 minutes an wave of nausea hit me like a freight train, it hit so hard and quick it knocked me right to floor! I literally crawled to the bin for a bottle to spit it out the bolted to the bathroom because my stomach felt like it was about to VIOLENTLY send my breakfast back. 10 minutes on the bathroom floor and it started to subside, the sweating and hot flash went away as well. I had zero nicotine buzz, I was already in the bathroom less than 5 minutes after I put it in so it's got to be something in there.
I swallowed some Cope juice 2 days ago and was fine. It was obvious something in that dip was not supposed to be in me. Now 5 months ago I quit drinking after I got out of rehab, for several years my daily consumption was anywhere from a fifth to as much as a half gallon (usually "unlabeled liquor" if you catch my drift). By now my stomach is about as cast iron as it gets (and I know a bit about nausea haha) so when swallowing dip juice knocks me to the floor there's something clearly wrong. This morning I was sort of in shock but as I thought about it I realized I actually know what happened quite well: alcohol is a toxic chemical and the human body can detect when the levels are potentially dangerous and it will automatically attempt to remove as much of that toxin as possible as a safety measure, also known as puking when you drink too much. That meant that there was some ingredient in the Copenhagen juice that clearly caused this. Some chemical hit my stomach and immediately that safety mechanism kicked in and as it was filtering this junk out my stomach was about to send the rest back where it came from. Even alcohol usually takes at least 10 minutes after your last drink before your body kicks it back and out so something capable of causing such an intense filtering effort almost immediately after it's detected means it's really not supposed to be there!
This has really got me wondering what in the hell is in that dip that is so toxic that it got removed so quickly and violently? I'm thinking I might trash that can...
