So recently I have decided to try and kick the smokes. I was a full time dipper in my late teens and early twenties. Copenhagen long cut was my everyday dip. I dipped that stuff like a crazy person. Then an ex girlfriend talked me into trying a cigarette and the rest it history. I smoked since then and had a dip every now and then. So now at age 29 I decided to go smokeless again. I been on the real Swedish snus for a few weeks now with some American dip in the mix. Earlier today I stopped at a local gas station and something told me to get my old favorite. I got a can of Copenhagen long cut and had some when I walked out. Wow. Now I remember why this was my favorite. Such a wonderfully bold flavor of Tobacco. It's just right. I think (& hope) kicking cigarettes will be fairly easy.
Picked up some Copenhagen long cut today.