New dipper from uk

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  • snusfixuk
    New Member
    • Apr 2016
    • 7

    New dipper from uk

    Hi all

    I am new to the forum and also new to trying dip.I have been curious about trying dip for a while now,but as we all know oral tobacco is not available in the uk.

    Well while I was making my third order of Swedish snus I noticed that I could also get some dip to try.The site I was ordering from only had three types of grizzly,long cut straight,long cut natural,and fine cut wintergreen so I ordered one of each.

    Fast forward eleven days and I have dip! After watching a bit of youtube I thought I should try the straight long cut first so I gave it a go.The first decent pinch stayed in place fairly well for fifteen to twenty minutes by which time the "strong" taste had gone and I quite liked the flavour.A few hours later curiosity got the better of me and I tried a pinch of wintergreen fine cut,well I was surprised how much I enjoyed the flavour and after initially getting a bit in my teeth the remainder packed solid with my tongue and stayed in place well.The third attempt was a "mud pie" of straight to spit out,but I don't give up easily so put another pinch in and didn't get on to bad for twenty minutes or so.

    After about 5-10 minutes of having a pinch in I get the hiccups,which seem to make the dip work up my teeth.Just hoping that this will wear off after getting accustomed to dip.

    I don't want to dip as a regular thing but just having one for a change at home could become more normal.

    I have already ordered a few more cans from somewhere a lot cheaper with more variety.I have ordered a few Copenhagen dips with a few more grizzly dips trying a wider variety.

    Why does it say "sale only allowed in the united states" and how come it is cheaper here in uk than most places in the us.

    Finally any tips would be appreciated
  • OregonNative
    • Aug 2009
    • 647

    Welcome to the forums brother. I used dip for years before switching to snus.

    As far as the dip moving around, it's most likely that you're just not used to it yet. As weird as it sounds, larger pinches always seemed to hold together better for me. Anytime I used a small pinch it didn't seem to hold together well and ended up floating all over my mouth. You could try putting your dip in another position; I always used the bottom left part of my jaw.

    As far as the "sale only allowed in the United States" part is concerned, I'm going to assume that's because many countries prohibit the importation of smokeless tobacco products (I believe all of the EU does), and each country has a different requirement on tobacco taxes, etc. The cans you received most likely were manufactured for the United States market and taxes for other countries were not collected on it. That's all an assumption though, I don't have a definite answer. Pricing totally depends on where you live in the United States brother. Back when I used dip, I could get (2) cans of Grizzly for $3.00/£2.11 in Kentucky. Up here in Oregon, that price much higher at roughly $4.50/£3.17 for (1) can. It varies state to state depending on the how that state chooses to tax tobacco.

    Originally posted by snusfixuk View Post
    Hi all

    I am new to the forum and also new to trying dip.I have been curious about trying dip for a while now,but as we all know oral tobacco is not available in the uk.

    Well while I was making my third order of Swedish snus I noticed that I could also get some dip to try.The site I was ordering from only had three types of grizzly,long cut straight,long cut natural,and fine cut wintergreen so I ordered one of each.

    Fast forward eleven days and I have dip! After watching a bit of youtube I thought I should try the straight long cut first so I gave it a go.The first decent pinch stayed in place fairly well for fifteen to twenty minutes by which time the "strong" taste had gone and I quite liked the flavour.A few hours later curiosity got the better of me and I tried a pinch of wintergreen fine cut,well I was surprised how much I enjoyed the flavour and after initially getting a bit in my teeth the remainder packed solid with my tongue and stayed in place well.The third attempt was a "mud pie" of straight to spit out,but I don't give up easily so put another pinch in and didn't get on to bad for twenty minutes or so.

    After about 5-10 minutes of having a pinch in I get the hiccups,which seem to make the dip work up my teeth.Just hoping that this will wear off after getting accustomed to dip.

    I don't want to dip as a regular thing but just having one for a change at home could become more normal.

    I have already ordered a few more cans from somewhere a lot cheaper with more variety.I have ordered a few Copenhagen dips with a few more grizzly dips trying a wider variety.

    Why does it say "sale only allowed in the united states" and how come it is cheaper here in uk than most places in the us.

    Finally any tips would be appreciated


    • snusfixuk
      New Member
      • Apr 2016
      • 7

      Thanks for the welcome

      I have a fine cut wintergreen in just now and quite like it.I don't know why,but I seem to keep this fine cut in place better?Never mind its only day 2 and I have a feeling things will become more natural with practice.

      My first 3 cans cost me about £9.00 a can but since searching I have since ordered 5 Copenhagen for £2.36 a can and 5 grizzly for £2.18 a can plus 2 off road snus at £1.72 a can with shipping and handling to UK being £5.38

      I am now wishing I had added a couple of mint and more wintergreen and dropped a couple of the straight and natural off.This is the inconvenience of having to order 2 weeks in advance before having a chance to really try different flavours out.


      • codyg140
        • Jan 2013
        • 705

        Best bang for your buck is stokers, if you can order the tubs it's well worth it. I have a open tub of the mint that is great, also have a tub of the wintergreen and straight that I'm looking forward to cracking into. Best part about it the tubs stay fresh forever! I've had the mint open on my desk for prob 2 weeks and it's still nice and moist!


        • snusfixuk
          New Member
          • Apr 2016
          • 7

          Thanks codyg140

          Will definately give stokers wintergreen a try next order.

          I do like the taste and burn of this grizz green but wish I could have tried the long cut first.I am not so keen on the grizzly log cut natural,but a pinch of this long cut and a pinch of fine winter green mixed is staying in place lovely with a nice wintergreen/tobacco flavour still coming from it 45 minutes later,the longest I have managed to keep one in without it turning to mud by 30 minutes or so.

          As a side note,I have been converting a friend from cigs to snus and he now uses about 80%snus/20%cigs in about a month.He used to think that even portion snus looked disgusting but finally got the guts to try a portion when we were in a no smoking environment for several hours.I am now on a mission to persuade him to try dip for the first time.


          • Tala
            • Jul 2015
            • 33

            I get my dip from Northerner, don't use it a lot but I found I went through my can of Stokers Straight quickest, have Cope Whisky and Copenhagen Southern blend open, they are either much closer to expiry than the stokers or just not as moist. I also found a bigger pinch stays in place better and you get less floaters.

            Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk


            • codyg140
              • Jan 2013
              • 705

              I tried the cope southern blend as well and it's dry compared to stokers. Nothing to do with the date of the can


              • snusfixuk
                New Member
                • Apr 2016
                • 7

                Thanks for the advice.

                I am now waiting for northerner to deliver.I have 4 Copenhagen,4 grizzly and 1 skoal peach to try.Stokers will be first on my next order.My dip was despatched on the 11 april and my snus on the 12 april.Now all I can do is wait and hope it all gets through customs without any hiccups.

                If a can of dip starts to dry out is it possible to rehydrate it with anything,would a light spray or a few drops of water work?


                • codyg140
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 705

                  I'm sure you could find an exact guide but generally if it dries out just add a wee bit of water in the can giver a shake and let it sit for a bit (lid on) and viola good as new dip


                  • snusfixuk
                    New Member
                    • Apr 2016
                    • 7

                    Hi codyg140

                    Thanks for the tip about stokers,I have finally received my stokers wintergreen and mint and must say how good it is and so much easier to "control" in the lip.After a couple of lips of both I have ordered a tub of each.

                    I also got some southern blend to try and also like this so have taken advantage of the free shipping to the UK and ordered 2 more plus 2 Copenhagen straight plus 2 stokers straight as another trial.

                    Both the grizzly and Copenhagen naturals seem a little bitter and salty to me so have not bothered with them on this order but tastes seem to change with dip as I was not to keen on grizzly straight to start with but quite like it now,so never say never to naturals.


                    • OregonNative
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 647

                      Originally posted by snusfixuk View Post
                      Thanks for the advice.

                      I am now waiting for northerner to deliver.I have 4 Copenhagen,4 grizzly and 1 skoal peach to try.Stokers will be first on my next order.My dip was despatched on the 11 april and my snus on the 12 april.Now all I can do is wait and hope it all gets through customs without any hiccups.

                      If a can of dip starts to dry out is it possible to rehydrate it with anything,would a light spray or a few drops of water work?
                      Try putting it into a jar and leaving some orange peels in there overnight. Not as fast as misting it with water, but the end result is good.


                      • snusfixuk
                        New Member
                        • Apr 2016
                        • 7

                        Thanks for the orange peel tip.Hopefully I wont need to moisten anything on my latest order as the stokers is well moist any way and the Copenhagen and grizzly are a lot newer and fresher this time.The grizzly was produced in april and the Copenhagen has a best before around September so all in all a good batch of dates to receive.

                        Having tried several dips now I find the hardest to keep in place without going muddy is the grizzly wintergreen,but having practiced for a while it gets easier.I now know why we have such a flexible tongue as I can seem to reach areas in my mouth that seemed impossible a few weeks ago.


                        • Mattkenry55
                          • Mar 2017
                          • 18

                          Glad to read your post here. Thanks and welcome!


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