Redman FC vs Copenhagen Snuff

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  • toekuttr
    • Jul 2008
    • 197

    Redman FC vs Copenhagen Snuff

    Apologies if this has been done but if it has, I can't find it. With all the post's lately about EUean's experimenting with American 'moist snuff' or dip, and all of us trying Redman FC got me curious. Comparing dip to snus is a little unfair to begin with, particularly on a snus site. A more fair comparison is Cope vs Redman FC....both being 'dip' products.

    I'm curious how dippers and 'new/1st time dippers' compare these two, forget about snus for a minute. Particularly the strength and flavors of Swedish Match's 'dip' product Redman vs the US's venerable benchmark; Cope.

    I'll start with Copenhagen Snuff, an almost perfect oral tobacco product with an unequaled flavor that delivers one of the best nicotine hits available, when used properly. I give Copenhagen 9 out of 10, never had a 10 but realize nothings perfect, even Copenhagen. :P

    Redman FC; a reasonable facsimile that I could get used to if circumstances demanded. A very nice flavor with a satisfying hit when used in copious amounts. Redman is purportedly a less damaging product wherein lies it's appeal for me, giving it reasonable credibility as an adequate substitute. I like Redman FC quite a bit and give it an 8 out of 10.

    Any experienced user's comments will be appreciated. I focused solely on these two dips as they are the only other oral tobacco products besides snus that can keep me smokefree. No offense to users of other smokefree tobaccos but I have little or negative experience with them and no desire to try any new ones. I'm pretty happy with snus and snuff now.
  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    First off i would like to say that with modern technology I really dont worry about a difference in TSNA counts, my only thing is that sweden requires tobacco to be treated as a food and therfore must be pretty damn safe, here in USA tobacco can be swept off the floor and used.


    To me there is no flavor like Cope.

    Ive been a dip user for over 4 years now and i use snus and dip equally.

    Copenhagen has a unique taste thats soooo good. I wish snus could compare somewhat in the flavor and alas none do.

    Redman is a "safe" dip made by SM and the straight actually tastes the best of bargain brand dips.

    My only beef is that the fine cut isnt as fine as copenhagen fine cut. And the flavor of redman disipates a lil faster than copes.

    However, Redman here is like $1.30 here where Copenhagen is almost $5 a can.

    I prefer copenhagen but i also love redman natural because I love its taste and is the only dip i use other than copenhagen.

    There is no flavor out there even close, i tried all snus has to offer in the natural tobacco flavors and other dips as well, none come close except for redman.


    • toekuttr
      • Jul 2008
      • 197

      I agree, a Cope flavored snus would be awesome. Maybe that one of a kind taste is simply too difficult for the Swedes to copy. There are a couple snus that hit a flavor note or two, but thats about it.

      Even a snus that tastes like Redman FC would be great, you'd think they could pull off. Ah well, not complaining and am grateful for the wide selections available in snus.


      • ponysoprano
        • Jul 2008
        • 562

        I kinda like RM FC natural...but today I got a can of Grizzly "snuff". That's all it says, "snuff" and it has a metal lid like the Redman stuff. It's basically Grizzly's clone of RM FC natural...and it's quite good. makes a hell of a mess though, so I use a Prismaster with Finecut dip...Longhorn finecut wintergreen is surprisingly good too, and dirt cheap!!!! I can't believe that snus has turned me into a dipper when I'm waiting for orders from Sweden to arrive...vivá mouth tobacco!!!!!!!


        • Grim
          • Jun 2008
          • 850

          Grizzy Snuff is basically their take on a Copenhagen type snuff.

          Ive had it, the can I got was in a felt case with a can in it for .99 cents.

          It was good for grizzly, i just dont like grizzly.

          I think its a mental thing, but i think Grizzly Snuff is the best offering Grizzly has, i simply hate the rest.


          • Faethwur
            • Aug 2008
            • 34

            Originally posted by Grim
            However, Redman here is like $1.30 here where Copenhagen is almost $5 a can.
            Wow, $1.30 a can for Redman FC? I bought my first can of it today for $3.49, and I've seen Skoal and Cope for about $8-9. What gives?!

            BTW I have been out of snus lately so yeah I have been trying dip, first I got Grizzly Wintergreen, then I realized Longhorn was a SM product and got that. The natural flavor of American dip is definitely than any Snus I've tried, almost like a smoky beef jerky like flavor. Overall Redman Smells nicer and taste better than Longhorn to me.


            • bondzai
              • Apr 2008
              • 362

              I seem to prefer dip to snus mostly. I like Longhorn or Redman Straight. As far as snus goes, I love the Triumph I got down in Atlanta. Hope they make more. The only thing I like about snus is the pouches are nice. Tastewise, dip is a lot better, except of course for Triumph which tastes awesome.

              I figure the Swedes could make a lot better snuses than they do given they do such a good job on Triumph. To me Triumph tastes like cherries.

              Here, in TN, I went to Pilot and they had a forty cents off sign for Redman so I asked how much that would be. I guess they weren't sure if the 40 was already off in the computer, so they took forty off and it cost me 90 cents a can after tax so I bought seven cans. I love this Redman Straight. Normally I get Longhorn Straight at Walmart for about 1.25 I keep coming back to straight.


              • Grim
                • Jun 2008
                • 850

                The only thing i really do not like about snus is that most of them always have some sort of candy taste to it.

                I realize hell if you are going to be swallowing the stuff it needs to taste good but even the regular flavored ones , at least in portion form, have an almost chocolate pudding taste to them.

                Now for Los snus ive had 3 or 4 which are damn good and I enjoy, i just do not get to enjoy los all that much anymore so I get stuck with candy portions, which suck.

                I have been dipping Grizzly snuff, which is damn good too, so ill have to add grizzly snuff to the top of my dip list with Cope and Redman FC


                • Tony
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 61

                  Originally posted by Faethwur
                  Wow, $1.30 a can for Redman FC? I bought my first can of it today for $3.49, and I've seen Skoal and Cope for about $8-9. What gives?!
                  Taxes? California taxes aren't even that bad, hard as they try. I pay about 2 bucks for the RM and 6 and some change for Cope. The best deals I have found are at WalMart. They don't always have them, but two cans wrapped together and usually around nine bucks.


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