A snuser's guide to dip?

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  • Liandri
    • Jul 2009
    • 604

    Yes, because using a product like most people on this forum for 25+ years and they're still alive is soooooo bad for you. Simple fact remains Americans demonizing dip while Europeans and others with no access to it actually enjoy it. Regardless of whether its dip/snus/smoke/pipe/cigar/whatever its tobacco and its addictive and "bad for you" either way. Enjoy having a closed mind and continue to act like the connoisseur of tobacco.

    (Haven't trolled anyone in a while, or act remotely like an ass. Feel refreshed but regardless my point still stands)


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      I think the worst part of tobacco use, healthwise, is smoking. I am not convinced that other methods are bad, or harmful. It may give some gum recession, even snus will. But like many of us, might still enjoy that cig at times, a pipe, a hooka, a cigar, nasal snuff, and even dip, and chew, I think it's fine for people to like what they like, and do what they do. I snus and snuff at work, but after dinner when I get home, I like a big cheek of chaw.


      • BadAxe
        • Jan 2010
        • 631

        Originally posted by Liandri
        Yes, because using a product like most people on this forum for 25+ years and they're still alive is soooooo bad for you. Simple fact remains Americans demonizing dip while Europeans and others with no access to it actually enjoy it. Regardless of whether its dip/snus/smoke/pipe/cigar/whatever its tobacco and its addictive and "bad for you" either way. Enjoy having a closed mind and continue to act like the connoisseur of tobacco.

        (Haven't trolled anyone in a while, or act remotely like an ass. Feel refreshed but regardless my point still stands)
        As I stated, I was not judging anyone, and I am far from having a closed mind. I would have never tried snus if I had a closed mind. I am not bashing anyone. I meant it in a caring way. I meant I love seeing people (myself including) choosing the healthier way to enjoy tobacco. To my knowledge, at least with American dip, is it not much greater of a health risk? If I am incorrect about that, then my points are not valid. I was not speaking out against people using whatever form of tobacco they desire.
        I really don't get the troll aspect of your response to me considering I was not offensive or insulting in my reply in anyway. I love seeing people break away from the tobacco companies that know their products are killing us. If dip is not included in that, then so be it. Snus we know for a fact is a much healthier choice than smoking (and I though much safer than dip as well). So to see someone go from snus to something that may kill them faster just makes me sad. Is there really something wrong with caring? Caring makes me close minded and a connoisseur of tobacco? Oh well, I don't get it, but I still wish a great weekend to you. Maybe you will relax enough to reel that troll in.


        • LaZeR
          • Oct 2009
          • 3994

          Originally posted by Liandri
          Yes, because using a product like most people on this forum for 25+ years and they're still alive is soooooo bad for you. Simple fact remains Americans demonizing dip while Europeans and others with no access to it actually enjoy it. Regardless of whether its dip/snus/smoke/pipe/cigar/whatever its tobacco and its addictive and "bad for you" either way. Enjoy having a closed mind and continue to act like the connoisseur of tobacco.

          (Haven't trolled anyone in a while, or act remotely like an ass. Feel refreshed but regardless my point still stands)
          Seriously. If they would quite putting fiberglass and formaldehyde init, that would go a long way in my opinion of making it less harmful. Oh, but then there is the "Fire-cured" process....

          Anyhoo, I'm proud to be done with Copenhagen dip. No more heartburn or ridged - sore - occasionally bleeding gums.

          But yea with that said, according to my Dr. we are all going to perish from using any form of tobacco because its all labeled "dirty cigarettes" anyhoo in the great American Health Forum of the medical field.

          :roll: --> That was at my Dr. and not you Liandri


          • daruckis
            • Jul 2009
            • 2277

            personally i like the fiberglass flavor, and it aids the nicotine absorption.


            • LaZeR
              • Oct 2009
              • 3994

              Originally posted by daruckis
              personally i like the fiberglass flavor, and it aids the nicotine absorption.
              You have a point there. It just adds to the deepened bloody ridges in the gumline. But yea, +1 on the nicotine absorption.


              • kamikaze
                New Member
                • Feb 2010
                • 6

                It's funny what the people are saying about dip and fiberglass

                When i lived in Sweden, people told me the exact same thing about snus, that the pouches are designed to rip your gums so the nicotine gets absorbed faster.

                It's an urban myth on both counts :roll:


                • Liandri
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 604


                  Damn we're all going to hell!


                  • LaZeR
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 3994

                    Originally posted by Liandri

                    Damn we're all going to hell!
                    Oh NoES!!!


                    • CopenSomeGrizzly
                      New Member
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 4

                      Claq Qui reminds me of Lucky Strike Bold mixed with General Ekstra Sterk...because Claq Qui is a bit more peppery...

                      with that being said Copenhagen Long Cut is probably your best bet because it has Salmiakk in it which is an active ingredient in Lucky Strike Bold and Claq Qui...and it is a salty dip with a very refined flavor.


                      • LHB
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 115

                        Where I lived for most of my life, if you didn't have a "dip ring" on the back left pocket of your jeans, you were a girl. I remember when the only three types of "chew" as we used to call it (I never heard "dip" until I moved to the South in the late 1980s) were Happy Days Raspberry, for the beginner, Skoal Original, and Copehagen, for the advanced chew user. A rite of passage into manhood was taking a pinch of Copenhagen, and leaving it in your mouth until you threw up from the nicotine overload. Of course, I mean orginal Copenhagen, not the sissy long cut that the kiddies use nowadays.

                        It makes me sick how far we done fallen, worrying about the "health risks" of Copenhagen. I suspect a lot of you are longing for a return to the mandatory 55 mph speed limit too. Bunch of pussified metrosexuals, if you aks me :P


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985



                          • LaZeR
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 3994

                            Originally posted by LHB
                            It makes me sick how far we done fallen, worrying about the "health risks" of Copenhagen. I suspect a lot of you are longing for a return to the mandatory 55 mph speed limit too. Bunch of pussified metrosexuals, if you aks me :P


                            • Snusify
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 623

                              Best natural dip copenhagen long cut
                              Best straight dip the new copenhagen long cut straight, (yes it is way better than cope straight)

                              Other cheaper brands, timberwolf natural long cut is oK

                              Best wintergreen grizzly wintergreen

                              best fruit, ( I dont really do fruit dips)

                              Oh forget the bullshit about formaldehyde and fibreglass.

                              There is a common misconception that shit is added to dip. This is not true. Some Dip is not much worse for you than snus. You can goto us smokeless' website and they publish the ingredients of their most snuff products and they are virtually the same as snus. salt water flavourings salmiak etc.

                              The new FDA rules mean that all tobacco companies will have to publish the ingredients of their products soon.

                              In terms of of nitrosomine levels some dip has 2 x the amount of snus and some however is 10 x times the amount.

                              Formaldehyde is naturally produced in the body in small quantities, is present in the air, food, cosmetics and medicine. Levels in food can vary but fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products can all contain formaldehyde. It is not surprising then, that trace amounts of formaldehyde may be present in smokeless tobacco, but at levels no higher than found in foods
                              Snus and Dip Video Reviews


                              • tom502
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 8985

                                In my dip experiments, I have concluded I do not like flavored dips. I do not like "Straight" either.

                                I only like "Natural". I prefer long cut. Copenhagen Snuff is a natural, and it has a great taste. I want to try Grizzly Snuff, and I tried to today, but the store was out, so I picked up some 1900 instead, which I have had before, and liked, had a $1 off coupon.

                                Skoal Classic is very good too. Grizzly Natural Long Cut, I thought/think, may be my fave dip, but then Red Seal Natural Long Cut was excellent too.

                                But overall, I'm not a big dip fan, but now-a-days I'll get some when I have a coupon.


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