I have been wanting to try Grizzly 1900 and I finally found someone local that carries it. He said over the phone that it tastes like regular Copenhagen. If that's the case, I won't bother because I was never a fan of Copenhagen back when I dipped. Nic didn't bother me but I just didn't like the taste. I tried Copenhagen Natural a week or so ago and didn't like it.
So I was just wondering if the folks here that have tried both can verify what he said was true. Does it taste anything like the Cope Natural?
I want something I can use every once in a while when I do yard work. Just something about spitting juice while riding my lawn mower that this old redneck misses while using snus.
So I was just wondering if the folks here that have tried both can verify what he said was true. Does it taste anything like the Cope Natural?
I want something I can use every once in a while when I do yard work. Just something about spitting juice while riding my lawn mower that this old redneck misses while using snus.