Timber Wolf Straight Long Cut

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    Timber Wolf Straight Long Cut

    I just noticed this new subject forum yesterday. Can we maybe get the specific dip threads moved over to here?

    I bought a can of Timber Wolf Straight Long Cut yesterday, never having had it before.
    I have been using alot of the new Copenhagen Straight Long Cut, and believe this is my favorite overall dip. I guess my tastes have changed, as before this, I didn't think I much cared for Straight flavor, but now I like it.

    I have to say the Timber Wolf Straight is very good. I find the flavor comparable to the new Copenhagen, very well balanced, and good.

    Not sure of the date on the can, it says F210A1628. But it seemed moist enough. It maybe isn't as fluffy as the Copenhagen cut, but the pack is not bad, unless you put too much in, and it breaks up, so getting the right amount is important for optimal dip enjoyment.

    Timber Wolf is made by Pinkerton, which is owned by Swedish Match. I have read it's known to have low TSNA counts, for those that find this important.

    I'd call this a medium priced dip, it's less than Copenhagen and Skoal, and more than Longhorn and Kayak, it's about the same price as Grizzly.

    Overall, I'd recommend this.
  • NonServiam
    • May 2010
    • 736

    I used TimberWolf quite a bit before switching to snus. But my regular was RedSeal Natural. TimberWolf is stil fire-cured I believe, and not steam-cured. But the TSNA count is still only about 7.5. While a lot less than Cope and Skoal's TSNA, still higher than Sweden's 2.0 TSNA count. If the PACT prices get to expensive for me, I will definetly be switching back to TimberWolf and stopping snus, which I hate to think about.


    • bipolarbear1968
      • Mar 2010
      • 1074

      Does TimberWolf have a lot of nicotine?


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        Well, yesterday, that Timber Wolf about knocked me out with a nic hit, though I hadn't used any tobacco all day till after noon, and I got that new can of T-wolf, and stuck a big lip in, and wow. But today it hasn't done that.


        • NonServiam
          • May 2010
          • 736

          Originally posted by bipolarbear1968 View Post
          Does TimberWolf have a lot of nicotine?
          That's something I tried researching the other day, and I haven't found it yet. Although I did find that most American snuff, like Cope or Skoal averages about 11-12 mg/g. So I would assume Wolf is in the same range. Of course PH levels play a role as well. I know when ever I would use Wolf I would get that nice burning sensation, but that could be attributed to something other than nicotine.


          • NonServiam
            • May 2010
            • 736

            Originally posted by bipolarbear1968 View Post
            Does TimberWolf have a lot of nicotine?
            BLAMMO!!!! I found it: TimberWolf Long Cut Straight is 13.54 g/mg. That more than Cope or Skoal. I love TimberWolf. It'll definetly be my plan B snus alternative! Did a google search and phrased this time as Timberwolf nicotine g/mg. It was like the 5th return down with a link to google.books.

            EDIT: Uh-Oh! I said g/mg, I meant mg/g. The first way would be one hell of a nic hit!


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Timberwolf is low quality but also cheap and strong. Kinda like Grizzly.


              • Liandri
                • Jul 2009
                • 604

                If I remember correctly SM dates are F (Date) 2 (Day) 10 (year)
                So best until June 2 2010
                There's your "moist enough" :-D

                Anyways, for the price the quality is best. Even comparing to other big names Timber Wolf has at least been good enough.


                • bondzai
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 362

                  I like redman straight or longhorn or even grizzly straight. redman has a metal lid


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    Yeah, I like the metal lids, and while some dippers save all their cans and make pyramids, I've been saving just the metal lids. Sadly Timber Wolf just has a plastic lid.


                    • Treath
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 90

                      I can't find any store around me that has Timberwolf Straight or Natural, all they have is Wintergreen and Mint..same goes for Longhorn dip. I'd like a break from the minty flavors.
                      I'm using my only remaining snus that I have as little as possible, so it'll last me a little longer before resorting to full time Swedish Match-made dip (Timberwolf, Longhorn,Redman).
                      It's worth buying dip than snus now with all the prices going up. I only pay around $1.97-2.99 a can of dip VS what it costs to buy snus online.


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Originally posted by Treath View Post
                        I can't find any store around me that has Timberwolf Straight or Natural, all they have is Wintergreen and Mint..same goes for Longhorn dip. I'd like a break from the minty flavors.
                        I'm using my only remaining snus that I have as little as possible, so it'll last me a little longer before resorting to full time Swedish Match-made dip (Timberwolf, Longhorn,Redman).
                        It's worth buying dip than snus now with all the prices going up. I only pay around $1.97-2.99 a can of dip VS what it costs to buy snus online.
                        figure the price per gram (not just price per can)
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • Treath
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 90

                          Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
                          figure the price per gram (not just price per can)
                          Now the online shipping alone is $6-12..it will be higher when the PACT goes into effect, especially the Notherner-owned Getsnus.
                          I was fine when original Getsnus had it's shipping set at $2.95.
                          Buying a cheap can of well made dip locally seems more cost effective than buying snus online from my point of view.


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            I used to think snus was cheaper than dip, but I'm not sure now, of course brand makes a difference, and weight might, if you wanna compare a can of los snus and loose dip. Can-wise, eh, it's similar. Of course with added taxes on snus, it will be higher, and SM is raising their prices, and then factor in shipping.

                            On the Timber Wolf, I'm not sure I like their can, since I opened this the other day, it seems to have dried out some, it was rather flaky when I used it yesterday. I might start putting my open dip cans in a sealable sandwich bag, it might help. I actually prefer the fiberboard cans that Copenhagen uses.

                            My next dip I want to try, if the store has it, is Kayak Straight, if they don't have that, it'll be Red Seal Straight, which I am pretty sure they have. But I might wait a week, as I still have some of the T-Wolf, and 3 unopened cans of Copenhagen Straight, and 2 cans of Gold River, their plastic cans suck.


                            • truthwolf1
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 2696

                              Is the Timber Wolf straight more like a natural? I have tried Redman longcut and did not care for the natural flavor at all but Copenhagen tastes completely different.
                              Might pick up a tin before heading to the Cabin after work.


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